time to say goodbye to your sleeping p_il.~l

time to say goodbye to your sleeping p_il.~l

From: rene gehlbach <[email protected]>
Date: Sun 19 Sep 2004 - 23:03:18 CEST

Since you have found us and found the fortune here,then why n~.ot try us
n`.ow and get the badly n'e`eded m`ed^-ica.tions for yourself e.g.
Xe,ni_cal,s'om,a,Sonata,Darvocet,Ci`al,is,Alesse,Valtrex or Clarinex

-----Original Message-----
From: Salvador Stewart [mailto:gcnlgkg@pgigc.com]
To: alonzo lincolndoyle lorimorlaverne youngerchance dunklebergerefrain
Sent: Saturday, May, 2004 10:38 PM
Subject: time to say goodbye to your sleeping p~il~.l


It is legal to b,u~y m'ed`'ica`tions o_n^line.I hope I had kn^,own this two
years ago.Anyhow it has saved me lots of time on b~u'ying
m'ed~^ica-tions.Want to share this site with you. --Kelvin in NC
hanebj�lken 13 lovliggjorde 05 l�ge l�npolitisk maksimal
Received on Sun Sep 19 22:52:46 2004

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