:)) i feel great-in,-cr`eas,`e your time in your bedroom

:)) i feel great-in,-cr`eas,`e your time in your bedroom

From: alonzo keefe <[email protected]>
Date: Thu 30 Sep 2004 - 22:04:11 CEST


-----Original Message-----
From: dominick voorhees [mailto:fis@kaneda.iguw.tuwien.ac.at]
To: alonzo keefe; alfred weiler; broderick stowers; gene oliverson; cedric
Sent: Friday, November, 2004 8:26 AM
Subject: i feel great-in~.cr,eas-_e your time in your bedroom

With 220 m`or-e prescribed m`_ed^s o,n-line you could find V-al_-ium, ,
Zyrtec and v.i_agr'a all at affordable l,o'w prices.
Really excited to inform you of this wonderful p'har.'macy o'n-line.Though
only m`or`e than twenties m'ed._ica'tions o^'f~fered,all of them are
collective ones. Great! --- Paul CA

manners. they have proscribed n,,ot
Received on Thu Sep 30 19:59:41 2004

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