(announcement to relay to interesting parties)
FIS 2002
Electronic conference on Foundations of Information Science
6 - 10 May 2002
Conceptions, Misconceptions, and Paradoxes
Inconsistencies and paradoxes in the conceptualization of information can be found throughout numerous fields of natural, social and computer sciences. Rather than strictly focusing on the quest for a unifying conceptualization, this FIS (Foundations of Information Science) e-conference also explores the "reverse" approach: what information is not. Thus, the conference aims to introduce new categories and unifying theories, as well as to critically analyze conceptual stumbling-blocks that may be acting as inefficient surrogates in strategic areas of information-related disciplines. Given the contemporay social context of booming information technologies and widespread proclamations of the "information society", reassessing the very status of information within the system of the sciences becomes a timely enterprise.
Conceptions & misconceptions of information in fields such as communication theory, machine intelligence, economic and technological evolution, information society, agency, brain processing, organismic integration, biological evolution, bioinformatics & biosemiotics, molecular recognition, physics of information, self-organization & complexity, entropy, quantum interpretations, symmetry.
Robert Artiguiani, Bela Banathy, James Barham, Soeren Brier, Jerry Chandler, John Collier, Allan Combs, Gyorgy Darvas, Werner Ebeling, Peter Erdi, Ted Goranson, Wolfang Hofkirchner, Abir Igamberdiev, Roberto Kampfner, Shu-Kun Lin, Pedro Marijuan, Koichiro Matsuno, Ray Paton, Thorsten Poeschel, Igor Rojdestvenski, Edwina Taborsky.
Koichiro Matsuno
Peter Erdi
John Collier
Pedro C. Mariju�n
Wolfang Hofkirchner
Shu-Kun Lin
The conference will consist of invited and contributed electronic posters and Web-based discussions of the topics presented. Subsequent to the conference, an electronic proceedings will be made available on both CD and the Internet. Selected papers will be invited for peer-reviewed publication in the MDPI electronic journal Entropy: http://www.mdpi.org/entropy/
The participation is free. Electronic registration has to take place during January or February 2002. For conference information and online registration:
Scientific contacts
Pedro C. Marijuan: marijuan@posta.unizar.es (conference organizer)
Wolfang Hofkirchner: hofi@igw.tuwien.ac.at (fis webmaster)
Foundations of Information Science web pages: http://fis.iguw.tuwien.ac.at
Organization contacts
Shu-Kun Lin: lin@mdpi.org
Conference Organization: MDPInstitute http://www.mdpi.org
with the cooperation of WEES: the Washington Evolutionary Systems Society
FIS 2002
6 - 10 May 2002
Received on Tue Jan 8 13:21:06 2002
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