technical note

From: Pedro C. Marijuan <>
Date: Wed 10 Dec 1997 - 12:34:05 CET


- Please, DO NOT PUT ANY ATTACHED FILES into the fis list. Wolfang is
creating an overall register of the ongoing exchanges into the www pages.
Then there will be a special place there for sending your papers and
documents related to fis topics (so that the interested parties may go
there to pick them). Please, let us wait until we have the corresponding
www address.

- During these days the list is open to any topic or discussion --there is
no moderation. However, once the conferences start, we will have to follow
the particular discipline of every moderator and respect the lenght limits.
There are several technical ways to introduce ORDER in our exchanges, but
it is better if we built such order from free.

- It may be interesting that the ongoing discussions and dialogs will
crystallize into a few relevant items to quietly discuss during the
corresponding conference. (next occasion I will make a brief suggestion
about Tom's and Soeren´s points) Koichiro and Rafael might select their
most salient points too.



Pedro C. Marijuán --FAX 34 976 761 861 --TEL 34 976 761 927
Dto. Ingenieria Electronica y Comunicaciones
CPS, Universidad de Zaragoza
Zaragoza 50015, SPAIN
Received on Wed Dec 10 12:57:40 1997

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