stdin By Subject
- patrick m. poelz (Thu 07 Feb 2002 - 10:17:17
- patrick m. poelz (Thu 07 Feb 2002 - 10:17:12
- Pedro C. Marijuán (Wed 03 Jan 2001 - 13:52:43
- Bela Banathy (Mon 24 Apr 2000 - 23:01:57
- "archive"
- "Cajal and Consciousness"
- "information" in a dictionary
- "Science is about exploration not about consensus."
- (no subject)
- (not completly) new topics
- ... regard to a (cognitive) structure
- :) A wide variety of d`.ru,gs for l,o^wer prices
- :) alert want sex more than ever!
- :) e`nj`oy a professional treatment over internet
- :) elevate mood and improve sleep
- :) i feel great-in~^cr.eas`'e energy levels
- :) to end the virus and the troubles n^.ow
- :)) available rx
- :)) i feel great-in,-cr`eas,`e your time in your bedroom
- :)) i kn~'ow you feel so l.o-w and hope there is something i can do to help
- :)) important look better guar-anteed
- :)) improve immune function
- :)) Is there any way out of this depression?
- :)) sometimes good habits could keep you away from the virus
- [Fis] "Distribution of Energy is (not) the same as "disorder"?
- [Fis] "Ecological Economics and Information"
- [Fis] "The fiction of function".
- [Fis] 'Locale' Knowledge
- [Fis] (no subject)
- [Fis] 14th Annual International Conference, Marquette U., Milwaukee (fwd)
- [Fis] 2 positions offered in salzburg
- [Fis] 2004 FIS session: concluding comments
- [FIS] 2005 short conference report
- [Fis] 2007 Dubrovnik Conference Announcement
- [Fis] 2nd CFP: E-CAP 2005 & MDH SWEDEN
- [Fis] 3 questions ? ? ?
- [Fis] 3rd CFP: Representation in Art and Science
- [Fis] 5th International Triple Helix Conference - Track on Indicators
- [Fis] 65 years later
- [Fis] : Reality of Information World?!!!
- [Fis] [Fis}What is information? "Recursive Informational Sets"
- [Fis] A "Gold Standard" for the Conceptualization of Abstract Information?
- [Fis] A decision-theoretic view of entropy and information
- [Fis] A definition of information
- [Fis] A definition of Information (II)
- [Fis] a definition of information - Bayesian Filter detected spam
- [Fis] a definition of information - BayesianFilter detected spam
- [Fis] A humble suggestion on FIS discussion rule
- [Fis] a knowledge-based economy?
- [Fis] A One Sentence Definition of "Information"
- [Fis] AAAS Symposium, "Vision, 2033"
- [Fis] About entropy metaphors
- [Fis] Add me to your list
- [Fis] Addition of probabilities
- [Fis] Aesthetics conference
- [Fis] Again about coupling resources and information
- [Fis] Algorithm of ethics
- [Fis] announcement
- [Fis] Announcement: New Journal "TripleC" (
- [Fis] Announcing the 10th session
- [Fis] Announcing the New Session
- [Fis] Announcing the Q.I. session
- [Fis] Answer to Soren.
- [Fis] Anthropologist for European Study on Mirror Neurons
- [Fis] art and meaning
- [Fis] articles: context - language, music, genome...
- [Fis] Artificial Markets
- [FIS] AS05 free Conference
- [Fis] assistant professor position offered in salzburg
- [Fis] Bell's inequality: Can we find its classical analogue? Classical and Quantum
- [Fis] Bell\'s inequality: Can we find its classical analogue? Classical and Quantum
- [Fis] Bell\'s inequality: Can we find its classical analogue?Classical and Quantum
- [Fis] Bell\\\'s inequality: Can we find its classical analogue? Classical and Quantum
- [Fis] bibliographic coupling
- [Fis] bioinformation and entropy
- [Fis] biological "dynamics"
- [Fis] biological "dynamics" - Bayesian Filter detected spam
- [Fis] Biological Laws
- [Fis] Biomolecular information
- [Fis] Biosemiotics
- [Fis] breach of symmetry and entropy decrease
- [Fis] breeakthru: public or private
- [Fis] brief question
- [Fis] Brier, Part 1
- [Fis] Call for Abstracts, WESS Conference, "Abstraction and the Emergence of
Evolutionary Thinking", March 21 and 22, 2004
- [Fis] Call for Abstracts: Abstraction and the Emergence of EvolutionaryThinking.
- [Fis] Call for Papers (Possible interest to FIS members)
- [Fis] Call for Papers ---6th International Triple Helix Conference, 16-18 May 2007,
- [Fis] Call for Papers 14th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation
- [Fis] Call: IJCNN 2004 - Special Sessions organized by the ENNS (fw
- [Fis] cell signaling: COMMUNICATION
- [Fis] CfP: Journal Cognition, Communication, Co-operation (tripleC)
- [Fis] CfP: tripleC (
- [Fis] Classification and Powerlaws: The logarithmic transformation
- [Fis] Closing CORRECTLY the Molecular Bionetworks Session
- [Fis] Closing Out the Molecular Bionetworks Session
- [Fis] collective mind
- [Fis] coming session (& timings of meaning)
- [FIS] Comment to Karl's reply to Andrei
- [Fis] comments on entropy
- [Fis] COMPLEMENTARY to May we build A CIVILIZED WORLD ORDER? (3) part 3 of 3
- [Fis] computation, mechanical and complex
- [Fis] Concepts of Order, Size and Biosemiotics
- [Fis] Concluding reply to Pedro: social construction of human knowledge
- [Fis] concrete wall
- [Fis] Conference aftermath
- [Fis] consilience
- [Fis] CONSILIENCE & interdisciplinarity
- [Fis] Consilience & patchiness of knowledge
- [Fis] Consilience and Distribution of Energy in Chemical Systems
- [Fis] Consilience and Structure
- [Fis] Consilience and Understanding
- [Fis] consilience of limited observers
- [Fis] CONSILIENCE's importance
- [Fis] Consilience: Final words
- [Fis] CONSILIENCE: When separate inductions jump together
- [Fis] Consilience: Writing on the Clouds
- [Fis] Consilience: Writing on the Clouds - infotropism
- [Fis] Continuing Discussion of Social and Cultural Complexity
- [Fis] continuing the session
- [Fis] continuing the session molecular recognition and inviting papers on this topic
- [Fis] Correction (was: July 2005 Paris paper in press)
- [Fis] Courageous researchers are urgently needed
- [Fis] defining information
- [Fis] definition(s) of disorder/chaos
- [Fis] definition(s) of disorder/chaos: an example
- [Fis] definition(s) of order/disorder ?
- [Fis] Definitions of Order
- [Fis] discussion stuff
- [Fis] Distribution of Energy is (not) the same as disorder
- [Fis] E-CAP2005@MDH SWEDEN
- [Fis] E-mail
- [Fis] Easter
- [Fis] Ecological Economics and Information
- [Fis] Economic (& social) networks
- [Fis] Economic networks
- [Fis] Economic Networks and the meaning of life!
- [Fis] Econophysics
- [Fis] End of the Session
- [Fis] Entropy & Info in Molecular Biology
- [Fis] Entropy & Information session
- [Fis] Entropy and information
- [Fis] entropy as average expected loss
- [Fis] Entropy related book Proceedings of FIS2005 (ISBN 3-906980-17-0)is published
- [Fis] Entropy Vol. 5, Issue 2 (June, 2003) pages 61-251 released
- [Fis] Entropy, Information and Quantum Coherence
- [Fis] Ethics, morals, religions and survival
- [Fis] Ethos of Science
- [Fis] european research
- [Fis] Evolutionary, networked and systemic information "theory" (ENSI-
- [Fis] Exergy analysis and ascendancy
- [Fis] Explaining Experience in Nature
- [Fis] Explaining Experience in Nature (event)
- [Fis] extensions of FullText.exe and Ti.ex for co-word analysis with provisions for stop
word lists and word frequency lists
- [Fis] finding the common in the diverse and the diverse in the common
- [Fis] First Things First (Old Session)
- [Fis] FIS / introductory text / 5 April 2004
- [Fis] FIS 2005?
- [Fis] FIS Previous Mailings
- [Fis] FIS--nature of complexity
- [Fis] FIS2005 Conference Announcement / call for papers.
- [FIS] FIS2005 proceedings citation
- [Fis] FIS: a definition of information
- [Fis] fis: Definitions of disorder
- [Fis] FIS: DNA and bioinformatics
- [Fis] Fluid Foundations
- [Fis] Focussing our discussion
- [FIS] Following our exchange with Loet Leydersdorff
- [Fis] FORWARD 1st CfP: Workshop on the Evolution of Complexity at ALife X
- [Fis] Fractals and Concilience
- [Fis] further comments
- [Fis] further comments: AAAS
- [Fis] Fwd: Introduction Economical Ecologics & Information
- [Fis] Fwd: Mail System Error - Returned Mail
- [Fis] Fwd: NIH BISTI Symposium on Digital Biology
- [Fis] Fwd: Please post for me Returned mail
- [Fis] Fwd: Reply to Richard Emery: QI and Life
- [Fis] FYI: Biological Theory, information issue
- [Fis] Gathering in Biosemiotics 4
- [Fis] General Question
- [Fis] General Question: Definition of information
- [FIS] General remark
- [Fis] general theory of order and disorder
- [Fis] Genetic information and entropy
- [Fis] genetics: the most outstanding problem, (un)SOLVED?
- [Fis] genetics: the most outstanding problem, SOLVED
- [Fis] GMU Center for Social Complexity Conference
- [Fis] going on
- [Fis] Good bye, FIS friends!
- [Fis] Gravitation: concise concept of
- [Fis] Gravitation: concise picture of
- [Fis] gravity and symmetry
- [Fis] GRC on Theoretical Biology and Biomathematics
- [Fis] Group Theory, Quantum Mechanics, and Music
- [Fis] Group-theoretic biology
- [Fis] Heinz von foerster conference program
- [Fis] hierarchy of symmetries and physical consequences
- [Fis] High or low symmetry
- [Fis] How search engines re-write the past
- [Fis] Hyper-incursion and the Globalization of the Knowledge-Based Economy
- [Fis] I do not find the objectivity of music
- [Fis] info sci. links
- [Fis] Infoethics - closing the session
- [Fis] Infopoiesis
- [Fis] Information and communication
- [Fis] Information and origin of life: Søren B rier/John Collier
- [Fis] Information Society: Governance, Ethics and Social Consequences (22 - 23 may
- [Fis] Information, autopoiesis, life and semiosis
- [Fis] Information, autopoiesis, life and semiosis (Part I)
- [Fis] Information, autopoiesis, life and semiosis (Part I)- question
- [Fis] Information, autopoiesis, life and semiosis (Part II)
- [Fis] Information, Bayesian
- [Fis] Information, entry for the the Encyclopedia of Science, Technology,and Ethics
- [Fis] information/complexity limits
- [Fis] Informational Foundations of Quantum Theory
- [Fis] Informed Symbol Systems are not All the Same
- [Fis] Interdisciplinary consilience by translating into numbers
- [Fis] Interdisciplinary consilience?
- [Fis] Internalism
- [Fis] international conference Information Society Governance Ethics and Social
Consequences 22 23 may 2006
- [Fis] International Ph.D-course in phil. of science
- [Fis] Investigations into Information Semantics and Ethics of Computing
- [Fis] Invitation
- [Fis] Invitation to seminar with Dirk Baecker and John Deely at CBS Copenhagen 7. March
- [Fis] Invitation: Join the editorial Board of DIVERSITY
- [Fis] Is all information also physical entropy?
- [Fis] Is anyone in the FIS community conversant with
- [Fis] Is it Shannon entropy?
- [Fis] Is Shannon's Entropy of General Applicability?
- [Fis] Is the US losing ground in science? A global perspective on the world science system
in 2005
- [Fis] Issue 1 of Cosmos and History
- [Fis] Joined in consensus - after all!
- [Fis] Joined in consensus - after all?
- [Fis] Joseph Tainter's Social and Cultural Complexity
- [Fis] Journal Citation Reports of _Science Citation Index_ and _SocialScience Citation
Index_ combined
- [Fis] July 2005 Paris paper in press
- [Fis] Knowledge and social complexity
- [Fis] KrKwic: A computer program for the analysis of Korean text
- [Fis] last posting?
- [Fis] Last remark o n Bell�s theo rem and nonlocality
- [Fis] Laws of physics and how we count them
- [Fis] Laws of physics do NOT apply in biology
- [Fis] leteral comment
- [Fis] leteral comment - reductionism
- [Fis] leteral comment - reductionism - Bayesian Filter detected spam
- [Fis] Levels of reality
- [Fis] Limited info
- [Fis] Limited info/gradients
- [Fis] list problems?
- [Fis] local citation impact and activity environments of scientific journals in 2005
- [Fis] logic & the molecule as text
- [Fis] Luhmann and Husserl
- [Fis] Mantras, Microspheres & Realism
- [Fis] Many other entropies
- [Fis] Mapping the Knowledge Structures in Patents using Co-classifications
- [Fis] Materialism vs. Idealism
- [Fis] Materialism?
- [Fis] May music a real civilizing tool?
- [Fis] May music BE a real civilizing tool?
- [Fis] May we build a CIVILIZED WORLD ORDER? (1) =
- [Fis] May we build a CIVILIZED WORLD ORDER? (2) =
- [Fis] May we build a CIVILIZED WORLD ORDER? (3) part 1 of 3 =
- [Fis] May we build a CIVILIZED WORLD ORDER? (3) part 2 of 3
- [Fis] May we build a CIVILIZED WORLD ORDER? (4) part 1
- [Fis] meaning of meaning
- [Fis] meaning of meaning: meaning of "information" and "entropy"
- [Fis] meaning of music
- [Fis] Meaning of music?
- [Fis] Meaning. Meaningfulness. Meaning of Meaningfulness.
- [Fis] Meaningful Information vs Information
- [Fis] measurement of the knowledge base of the Dutch economy
- [Fis] Measurement Problem, von Neumann projection postulate
- [Fis] Measuring Realism
- [Fis] Measuring the Meaning of Words in Context
- [Fis] Merry Christmas
- [Fis] Mind, matter, meaning and information
- [Fis] miscellanea
- [Fis] Modeling and Simulation Conference
- [FIS] Modeling Complexity
- [Fis] moderation note
- [Fis] molecular discussion
- [Fis] Molecular recognition and pattern recognition: concluding remarkson a conservation
law L=S+I
- [Fis] Molecular recognition and the foundamental laws of information
- [Fis] Molecular recognition and the foundamental laws of information: relationship between
the two parts and the hierarchical levels
- [Fis] Molecular recognition: Similarity rule and complementarity rule
- [Fis] Molecular recognition: Similarity rule and complementarity rule (PG or reader must be
over 20)
- [Fis] molecular structures (was: ON MOLECULAR BIONETWORKS (II))
- [Fis] Molecular-Experimental sciences
- [Fis] Molecular-Experimental sciences (II)
- [Fis] More Art and Meaning
- [Fis] mortal buckets
- [Fis] Multiple Szilard Engine Models
- [Fis] music and genetic code
- [Fis] Music appears as being unavoidably subjective
- [Fis] Music in group-theoretic biology
- [Fis] music session
- [Fis] Music Session, kickoff text
- [Fis] Music, Leyton, Governance
- [Fis] Music, Leyton, Governance (Longish)
- [Fis] My start article for FIS conference
- [Fis] nail found in Zaragoza
- [Fis] Nanotechnology: Its Delineation in Terms of Journals and Patents -- preprint version
- [Fis] Natural Computation - The New Interactive Paradigm of Computing(New Session)
- [Fis] neurosci. 'motor' article
- [Fis] neuroscience paper
- [Fis] new article in Nature, interesting !
- [Fis] New Book
- [Fis] new book on symmetry
- [Fis] new course
- [Fis] new in the list
- [Fis] New Issue of tripleC
- [Fis] New session on information and economic systems
- [Fis] new subscribers
- [Fis] Non Local "knowledge."
- [Fis] Noncommuting observables: reply to Srinandan Dasmahapatra
- [Fis] Number theory and chemical syntax
- [Fis] Number theory and chemical syntax - a linguistic comment
- [Fis] Objective and Perceptual Realities and probabilities
- [Fis] Objects: Irreversibility of the Foundations
- [Fis] ON INFORMATION ETHICS - more questions
- [Fis] ON INFORMATION ETHICS - Rational Machines
- [Fis] ON INFORMATION ETHICS - statistical approach
- [Fis] On Mantras and Realism
- [Fis] On the definition of meaning and information
- [Fis] ongoing themes
- [Fis] Only One Entropy
- [Fis] Optimality in music
- [Fis] order/disorder/causality
- [Fis] Organicism
- [Fis] Original meaning in Greek for symmetry and entropy: Can any Greekscholar clarify what
"sym" and "en" really mean?
- [Fis] other entropies?
- [Fis] Paris Paper's Preface
- [Fis] Part ll, of Søren'sMS
- [Fis] Patterns are not in the definition of information
- [Fis] PhD vacancy, Amsterdam, at
- [Fis] phenomenological entropy
- [Fis] Philosophers describe science
- [Fis] Philosophers describe science - a side comment on experience
- [Fis] Physial Infrmation
- [Fis] Physical Entropy
- [Fis] Physical Information
- [Fis] Physical information - anyone for an anyon?
- [Fis] Physical Information is Shannon Entropy, Part V.
- [Fis] Physical information.
- [Fis] Physical Objects
- [Fis] Physical Objects; Gold standard for Information
- [Fis] picturing the concept of information
- [Fis] PLEASE POST Returned mail: see transcript for details
- [Fis] Plight of a colleague/ARTISTS SUBPOENAED IN USA PATRIOT ACT CASE(fwd) (fwd)
- [Fis] positive peaceful futures for 2004 and beyond
- [Fis] Post-concluding remarks:Realism/anturealism: Laws of nature?
- [Fis] Post-concluding remarks:Realism/anturealism: Laws of nature? (fwd)
- [Fis] Post-concluding remarks:Realism/anturealism: Lawsof nature? (fwd)
- [Fis] postdoc positions
- [Fis] posting in the list
- [Fis] preprint version now available
- [Fis] Probabalistic Entropy
- [Fis] probabilistic entropy
- [Fis] Probability in QI
- [Fis] probability versus power laws
- [Fis] Problems with a math definition of information
- [Fis] project understanding knowledge
- [Fis] QI
- [Fis] QI & biological evolution
- [Fis] QI and Life
- [Fis] QI and probabilities
- [Fis] QI and probabilities: reply to Michel Petitjean
- [Fis] QI questions
- [Fis] QI-session: concluding remarks
- [Fis] QI: reply to Michel Petitjean
- [Fis] quantum & bionetworks
- [Fis] Quantum computing...
- [Fis] Quantum info
- [Fis] Quantum Info.
- [FIS] Quantum info. Reply to John and Soren
- [Fis] Quantum information & foundations, quantum logic perspective
- [Fis] Quantum Information - Probability Functions and Information
- [Fis] Quantum Interaction Symposium
- [Fis] Quantum Interference
- [Fis] Quantum Logics and Formalisms
- [Fis] Quantum Mechanics: Logic and Formalisms
- [Fis] Quantum-like probabilities
- [Fis] quantum: transmodal difference
- [Fis] Question to John Collier : Reality of Information World?!!!
- [Fis] Realism
- [Fis] Realism, etc.
- [Fis] Realism?
- [Fis] Reclosure of the Closure of the Bionetwork Discussion.
- [Fis] recognition - limits of thermodynamics
- [Fis] Regulation Theory
- [Fis] reinvesting on life support systems
- [Fis] Relating QI to other Information Theories
- [Fis] Reopening of the Reclosure of the Closure of the Bionetwork Discuss
- [Fis] Replies and new questions / part 1
- [Fis] Reply Andrei's reply to Ted Goranson: Quantum Gravity
- [Fis] Reply to all
- [Fis] Reply to Andrei on QI and Life
- [Fis] Reply to Andrei on QI and Life: Science Fiction?
- [Fis] Reply to Arne Kjellman: Objective and Peceptional Realities and probabilities
- [Fis] Reply to Arne Kjellman: Reality of Information
- [Fis] Reply to Eriksson Zenith: Unification of QI and CI?
- [Fis] Reply to Hans C. von Baeyer: Limited info
- [Fis] Reply to Igor and Aleks
- [Fis] Reply to Igor Rojdestvenski: Information Coordinate System
- [Fis] Reply to Jakulin:Can quantum probabilities be always reduced to joint
- [Fis] Reply to Luis
- [Fis] Reply to Pedro
- [Fis] Reply to Pedro Marijuan and Michael Devereux
- [Fis] Reply to Ted Goranson: levels of description
- [Fis] Reply to Ted Goranson: Quantum Gravity
- [Fis] Response to Arne and Stan
- [Fis] Response to Stan
- [Fis] rigid neighbourhood relations: how long?
- [Fis] Robert Rosen's modeling paradigm
- [Fis] sad news
- [Fis] SCI 2004 - Call for Papers (please forward)
- [Fis] Science and humanities
- [Fis] Science mapping on-line; beta-version
- [Fis] Scientific Communication and Cognitive Codification: Social Systems Theory and SSK
(draft version)
- [Fis] Scientific Method
- [Fis] season greetings
- [Fis] Season's greetings in anticipation of 2007
- [Fis] Second Announcement
- [Fis] Shannon Entropy Redux
- [Fis] Shannon said Information is Physical Entropy
- [Fis] SMB meeting Invitation to speak
- [Fis] Social and Cultural Complexity
- [Fis] Social Complexity: concluding comments
- [Fis] Social Entropy
- [Fis] social opacity
- [Fis] Solidarity
- [FIS] Some mid-session comments
- [Fis] Some Terminal Comments on the Discussions: "Ecological Economicsand
- [Fis] Special issues / Instructions for authors.
- [Fis] State Vector versus Wavefunction
- [Fis] sustainability
- [Fis] Sustainable use of resources
- [Fis] symmetry and information theory
- [Fis] Symmetry as such
- [Fis] Symmetry Festival 2006
- [Fis] Szilard's Engine and Information
- [Fis] Søren Brier, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business
School is defending his doctoral thesis: "Cybersemiotics - Why information is not
- [Fis] teleology of entropy
- [Fis] thanks
- [FIS] The ****-filter
- [FIS] The ***-filter
- [Fis] the 1st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics - INDIN03
- [Fis] The Chronicle, 18 November 2005
- [Fis] The communication of meaning in social systems; preprint version available
- [Fis] The Identity of Ethics
- [Fis] The Identity of Ethics - psotconference thought
- [Fis] The Identity of Ethics and Integrity
- [Fis] The Identity of ProtoEthics
- [Fis] the information synthesis?
- [Fis] The Methods of Scientists
- [Fis] THE MOLECULAR BIONETWORKS SESSION and possible publication in IJMSat
- [Fis] The Molecule as Text
- [Fis] The Molecule as Text (New Session)
- [Fis] The origin of information: 8-months-anxiety
- [Fis] The Realist's Dilemma
- [Fis] the religion of probability
- [Fis] The timings of meaning
- [Fis] there is hope for us all
- [Fis] Thermodynamics and Information
- [Fis] three consiliences
- [Fis] Tom Stonier
- [Fis] Towards an apocalypse scientifically organized and technologically implemented
- [Fis] Triple Helix 6
- [Fis] Triple Helix indicators of knowledge-based innovation systems
- [Fis] Turning around?
- [Fis] two messages oer week
- [Fis] Unavoidable echo from INSC 2003
- [Fis] very clever software!
- [Fis] visible world
- [Fis] Visual and Spatial Reasoning in Design
- [Fis] Visualization of the Citation Impact Environments of Scientific Journals: An online
mapping exercise
- [Fis] war
- [Fis] Washington Philosophical Society Lecture (Information)
- [Fis] WESS Symposium, Emergences of Design, Final Call for Abstracts; Other
- [Fis] WESSbook, March 29, 2003.
- [Fis] WESSbook, WESSwalk and WESSdinner Plans
- [Fis] WESSdinner postponed to Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2003.
- [Fis] What is information
- [Fis] what is life, logically?
- [Fis] What is Music
- [Fis] What is the purpose of the porpoise? :))))
- [Fis] Wilsonian Consilience
- [Fis] Workshop announcement
- [Fis] Workshop on Computer Aided Design
- [Fis] Workshop on Regulation Theory
- [Fis] Workshop on Semantic Distance
- [Fis] World Summit On the Information Society (WSIS) organized by the United Nations
- [Fis] Wrap-up
- [Fis] You may help to give the UN a chance to redeem itself.=
- [Fis] � THOUGHT(s) inspired by the 25th Anniversary of IFSR * (1)
- [Fis]: Economic (& social) networks
- [Fis]: Information and Solidarity
- [SPAM?] [Fis] new in the list
- A fully automated business
- A Medical Miracle
- A One Sentence Definition of "Information"
- a professional consultaation available 0 cost of charge with us ectopic
- A Proposal for Wrapping Up
- A Proposal for Wrapping Up - language information and time
- A very first reaction of mine
- A View from the Inside
- AAAS Lecture, May 28, 2002.
- AAAS lectures 2001-2002
- abduction
- about meaning (FIS)
- about the nature of information
- About the urgent need of using the Bertalanffy's Systems Thinking
- Abstract (draft) for Session at INSC 2003
- AC: Helsinki again (fwd)
- Academical, OEM and religious software discounts for Win, Adobe, Corel, Autodesk
- Advanced Draft
- Advanced Draft..content
- After BAC 2001==>Unity through Diversity (1)
- Again on physics, entropy and information
- Agreement with John Holgate
- Agust�n S�nchez Vidal
- Akbetter solution that is n`~ot hard to find
- already kn~`ow the benefits of o_n~line rx o^rde,_r?
- An Aside
- Analysts have ramped up projections for growth on this winning pick ptad p jpcpbni
- announcement of a new e-journal
- Announcement of the renewed Bertalanffy's Website
- another session: social and/or general information?
- apologies for multiple messages
- art, shape, and symmetry
- AW: [Fis] 2 positions offered in salzburg
- AW: [Fis] 2004 FIS session: concluding comments
- AW: [Fis] CONSILIENCE: When separate inductions jump together
- AW: [Fis] Consilience: Writing on the Clouds
- AW: [Fis] definition(s) of disorder/chaos
- AW: [Fis] finding the common in the diverse and the diverse in the common
- AW: [Fis] general theory of order and disorder
- AW: [Fis] Group Theory, Quantum Mechanics, and Music
- AW: [Fis] Group-theoretic biology
- AW: [Fis] molecular discussion
- AW: [Fis] Music in group-theoretic biology
- AW: [Fis] Number theory and chemical syntax
- AW: [Fis] season greetings
- AW: Abstract (draft) for Session at INSC 2003
- AW: Counting and optimization
- BAC 2001 "Registration form"
- BAC 2001 Newsletter 3 [12 July 2001]
- Become happy with your performance
- Become the man that women desire
- Bell\'s inequality: Can we find its classical analogue? Classical and Quantum waves
- Bio-soc parallels
- biofunctional realism
- Biological Information
- Biological information processing
- Biological information, constraints and Thirdness
- Biological Phlogiston
- Biological Phlogiston (Closure, and degreees of organization and taxonomy
- Biology, technology and information
- Biosystems sp.iss.--good news
- Book: Soziale Selbstorganisation im informationsgesellschaftlichen Kapitalismus
- Boost your appeal
- Brains on the edge..
- Break before next stage
- Bst restore vital organs that will shri.n-k with aging
- Cajal On Consciousness
- Call for new or updated entries for FOLDOP (the "Free On Line Dictionary Of
Philosophy", published by SWIF) (fwd)
- Call for papers: virtual journal - Semiotics, Evolution, Energy, Development
- Catus mediated ontology
- causality
- cells are smart
- Cellular Signaling and Meaning Generation
- CFP - Special Issue of _Minds and Machines_ on The Philosophy of Information, deadline 31
January 2003
- Challenges for World Summit in Johannesburg
- Change and Information in (social) systems
- Clarifying our aims
- Closing Message and Suggestion for the Future
- closing soon
- Comment, question and request
- Comments to Mark Burgin and James Barnham
- complexes and biol.organization
- complexity as epistemic depth
- Comprehension <==> Action (1)
- Conceptualizations of information and ways of thinking
- Concluding replies
- Concluding reply: social construction of human knowledge
- condolences
- conf. preparations
- Conference of interest to FIS participants?
- Conference on systemic communication theory and practice
- Conference Registration
- conference site
- Confidential Pharmaceutical Service provided to you online.
- Conscious Layer Speculations
- CONSILIENCE: When separate inductions jump together
- Continuing Discussion of Social and Cultural Complexity
- Copy movies, software, pictures, Powerpoint and More onto DVD buddhism
- Counting and optimization
- Critics of the Merida Manifesto have made necessary a first Response
- Cybernetics & Human Knowing : "The Embodied Mind and the Baldwin
- Data and meaning
- Data and meaning (2)
- Data and meaning (3)
- Data, observations and distributions
- Dealing W/Holistically with BAC 2001 [First Proposal]
- Definition of information
- definition(s) of disorder/chaos
- definition(s) of disorder/chaos: an example
- definition(s) of disorder/chaos: an example)
- definition(s) of disorder/chaos:an example)
- definition(s) of order/disorder ?
- Deixis and Information Theory
- Dfbtkgwhat would make you get used to this healthier eating habit
- disconnected points
- Discussion-List at FIS-Site
- Distribution of Energy is (not) the same as disorder?
- Doctrine of Limitation
- don't let the bad emotions or feelings last any longer.
- don't want to look old and weary
- E-conf. preparations
- Earn profits selling other people's services
- eco-socioinfo
- Eco-VEMS
- Ecology, Cultural Anthropology, ERT, and Semiotics
- Economic Networks and the meaning of life!
- Editor's Choice for Best Duplication Award for 2003 DVD Copy recipient
- Emotion Theory
- Encoding and Decoding as Essential to Quantum Information Theory?
- Encoding and Decoding as Essential to Quantum InformationTheory?
- energy vs. work
- Entering the Observer
- Exoinformation?
- Experience More Powerful Erections
- Feel Great
- Finally professional flexible service added
- First comment
- FIS - Quo Vadis?
- FIS 2002
- FIS 2002 Announcement
- FIS 2002 at
- fis 2002 preview
- FIS and ISSS
- FIS and the 2002 Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research
- FIS at ISSS99 Asilomar
- FIS CALENDAR / topics
- fis Digest, Vol 490, Issue 2
- fis Digest, Vol 501, Issue 5
- FIS discussion.
- Fis Mailinglist (fwd)
- FIS message (Fw)
- fis sender unique
- Fis web site
- fis web site--and plans
- fis2002
- FIS2002 in ENTROPY
- FIS2002 papers for ENTROPY
- FIS2002 papers for ENTROPY (
- Fitness
- fluid self-organization
- fooling molecules
- For celebrating the end of 2002 (1)
- For celebrating the end of 2002 (2)
- For celebrating the end of 2002 (3)
- For celebrating the end of 2002 (4)
- Foundations of Information Science
- from physics to bioinfo
- Fully automated business
- further themes
- Fwd: [Fis] genetics: the most outstanding problem, (un)SOLVED?
- Fwd: [Fis] Limited info
- Fwd: [IPCAT2003] - First Call for Papers
- Fwd: Petition
- Fwd: Some questions about the nature of informational theories
- General property of information
- get your energy through mediate
- Give her something to smile about
- Give your partner more pleasure
- good news - a message from the youth fountain
- Gqnpcheck this out what is c'a.ll_ed 'best b-u-y' and 'affordable rx'
- gravity and symmetry
- gravity and symmetry - hormesis?
- Great Expecations
- greatly improve your stamina
- Hnlxeent beauty t-i`ps-how to look y^ou,nger
- Home or office delivery of your prescription medicines.
- How information dies?
- how long it takes for a regular rx fill or refill now? headstrong
- However, 2003 began with good wishes
- I am only learning how to approach holistically some aspects of my surroundings
- I have visited FIS.IGUW.TUWIEN.AC.AT and noticed that ...
- I think this will intrigue you verify
- I tried to make perhaps more readable the women message
- Impr0ve y0ur scills wlth s0ftware fr0m @dobe & Mlcr0s0ft
- in memory of Michael
- In my book I'll show you how to use Google and Affiliate programs to make profits
- info & life
- info & Phys: method?
- Info & Physics
- Info and Physics
- info and physics - from data to date
- info and physics - the issue is stability consideration
- info from you bank
- info phase transitions
- Info War / the technology of the lie
- information
- Information & Physics
- information and causality
- Information and communication)
- Information and Conservation Laws
- Information and Meaning--Stonier
- Information and Meaning: author's response to Pedro
- Information and Natural Languages
- Information and Physics
- Information and Quantum Mechanics
- information and self-organisation
- Information and Thermodynamics
- information as a selection
- information as a selection signs as meaning
- Information as Disease: Betweenness/agency
- information as interaction
- Information before life?
- Information may and even should motivate action
- Information of the Population One
- Information processing: Quantitative or Qualitative?
- information, thermod. & phys.
- Information/world
- inscription & discussions
- instant degree
- Interaction and Social Information - re2 to Bob Artigiani
- Interesting books
- internet rx refill-great deals on meds
- interplay between ways of transmitting messages
- invest for substantial profit
- Invitation to Shape a New Program
- Invitation: FIS2002 papers for ENTROPY ( and free
- Invitations to WESS dinner meeting, WESSbook
- Is FIS in semiotics and what is abduction?
- Is FIS in semiotics?
- Is Information a Disease?
- Is Information a Disease?The myth of Psyche
- Is the sum (L) of information (I) and entropy (S) (L=I+S) ever conserved?
- ISSS meeting -Svar
- ISSS--Will FIS be there?
- It is an urgent matter for every human who might be interested in knowing why we are an
endangered species
- It is with great regret...
- It is with great regret... -Svar
- Karpatschof on information concept.
- kickoff
- kickoff --the dynamism of numbers
- Kickoff for September FIS Session
- koichiro's posting
- L prices,speedy service,convenient service hours exterior
- Lamarck
- Language of cells (coming)
- Last Call for Papers - Minds and Machines special issue on the Philosophy of
- Late contribution to biol. info
- lateral format of FIS communications
- laws of nature and emergence
- Learning to ruminate the history of civilization (1)
- Learning to ruminate the history of civilization (2)
- less paain and more happiness celanese
- Let us start ? the celebration of the new year 2003 (1)
- Liberman's paper
- logic
- logical & illogical in the brain
- logical archetypes
- logical archetypes and chemical elements
- look at this-miracle
- lose the extra kilos
- losing weight with a better way is that wonderful
- m,or-e comely do n~.ot want to m.or'e h-o^mely
- Make A �Decision
- male enhancement and performance system
- Male muscle boosting system
[Manifesto agreed in the First Latin American Colloquium on Interpretive Systemology]
- Marijuan and Darvas Comments
- Market analysis reveals valuable stock play ttxjc uc it kn
- materials to assist you in your ministry
- meaning of meaning
- mechanics vs. info
- mechanics vs. info; References
- medical, pediatrics, doctors american directory.
- medicines special zone for more discounts and convenience
- meds supplier with all the value
- message from Bob Artigiani
- Meta discussion
- metabolism & energy autonomy
- metaphors
- metaphors / Interfil
- Michael
- minutiae & technicalities
- Miracle
- miscellanea
- miscellanea / symmetry
- miscellanea / temperature / symmetry
- miscellanea / temperature / symmetry: Sent again: editeda little bit for long lines
- Molecular recognition
- Molecular recognition & other themes
- more info for a better health and more energy bathrobe
- more privacy, more convenience and more sav-ings rockford
- Moving on with the life full of unexpected and unplanned events now masonite
- Mtf while you do n',ot n_e,ed to wait 3o m-in_utes to see the do_.ct^,or
- Multilevel Emergence
- Multiple Kinds of Information
- My sincere apologies to all my FIS colleagues
- My sister used to tell me life is like a glass of wine
- n'.o one wants to be treated as a w.o-man at your 20s
- Namur Conference
- Nature of Complexity
- Nature of Counting and FIS
- Need your help: Managing Editor for our Entropy journal
- nervous systems and consciousness
- neuro-discussion
- neuro: and what else
- New Book
- new e-mail address and new position
- new orientation
- new orientation (& Ortega)
- new session
- New x p Critical Update - november 1st
- New Year, New Hopes
- News from Johannesburg
- News from Johannesburg (2)
- next session
- Next stage, and Q1
- Next stage: Q4, Q5, Q6
- next?
- No agenda for the Second Earth Summit
- no more uncertainty
- No presc*ription Required! crankcase
- no subject (file transmission)
- notes from a Cultural Anthropology perspective
- number of messages vs. number of carrier objects
- NYAS issues
- Observer and natural law
- OEM Sofware crealence - XP Adobe Office - 39-99$ per CD crust
- offfer you the best value and the best choice told
- old discussion
- on optimization, again
- on social complexity
- once you have found us,you have found the best way
- One generation all that is left to save world. What do you think?
- Only One Entropy
- Only one restraint can effectively block ANY war. It lies within the people
- Only one restraint can effectively block ANY war. It lies within the people themselves
- opinions vs knowledge
- opinions vs knowledge - a View from the Cave
- opinions vs knowledge - misinformation?
- opinions vs knowledge - The Cave is Constructed
- order/disorder/causality
- order/disorder/causality/Predictability - freedom
- our interview on the 28th - Sun, 22 Aug 2004 12:02:57 -0700
- p.s.: Plato's seventh letter
- pain m.ed_.ica_tion shipped to your door
- paper from IASS/AIS 99
- passing the moderation
- passing the moderation - obstacles
- pay less on meds significantly
- peak performance
- periodontology, gnsjb hmbxf mn
- Perspectivity
- petition
- Petition *
- Petition: We The Peoples Believe Another World is Possible
- Phy-Soc Information Layer boundaries
- physic, entropy and information
- physics and information
- physics, entropy and information
- Planning the Homage to Bertalanffy
- Platonic information theories
- Please correct the typing error n --> l replace T. Poeschen by T. Poeschel
- Poor c-re`dit c`a.rd is n`-o p^i^cnic
- Post-concluding remarks:Realism/anturealism: Laws of nature?
- Pragmatic aspect of information
- Preliminary Program, WESS annual Symposium, May 19,20, and 21.
- Probabalistic Entropy
- Probabilistic Entropy
- Problems of science
- Proceed With Your Ordination
- PROCEEDINGS FIS e-conf. & exchanges
- Professional software sojjilf
- Profit alert - this stock is breathtaking motlskeehxvtlira c
- prospects 2000
- Publication in ENTROPY (
- Q1-6 comments
- Q2 and Q3
- Q6. Meaning, constraint and formalization.
- Qrupbjhgood news - journal news: does the fountain of youth exist?
- Quantum coherence demonstrated in the brain
- quantum entropy
- Quantum information
- Quantum-mind list serve (fwd)
- Quibbles for Juan Roederer
- quicker order process and faster delivery antiquarian
- Re [Fis] Sustainable use of resources
- Ready and (0nline) fis preview.jpg
- ready for the show?
- Realism and Information
- reflection
- Reflections on optimality theory (and society)
- Regenerating of the heart, liver, kidneys and other organs
- Reminder - IPCAT 99 - Call for Papers
- REMINDER about Symposium II (W/H) of BAC 2001 towards Unity through Diversity
- REMINDER about Symposium III (GST) of BAC 2001 towards Unity through Diversity
- REMINDER about Symposium IV (NIMW) of BAC 2001 towards Unity through Diversity
- REMINDER about Symposium V (P) of BAC 2001 towards Unity through Diversity
- Replies to Juan, and John & Norbert
- reply asap proven in~,cr~eas,^e in activity
- Reply to Andrei: Reality of Information
- Reply to Arne et al.
- Reply to Barham, Holgate, Marijuán
- Reply to Barham, Holgate, Marijuán, Collier - info in the wings
- Reply to Bob: MODERATION
- reply to Burgin
- Reply to James Barham
- Reply to James Barham - informational agency
- Reply to James Barham - true lies
- Reply to John Holgate
- Reply to Morris
- Reply to Roederer and Holgate
- Reply to Social Information -2
- request - Biological Computing
- response to Jerry
- Response to Prof. Ebeling veiwpoints
- Response to the Response
- review
- Review Week: Medical Miracle
- Rn It really give you multiple times a day
- Round Table on Bertalanffian Thinking (STIQE 2002)
- ROYAL ROAD to complexity
- Royal Road...
- rx informati0n
- Salzburg Process Philosophy Conference July 2006
- scale-free nets
- Science is a Metaphoric Activity
- Science mag special issue on Cellular Signalling
- season greetings
- self-protection is really important for people
- semiotics
- semiotics -- HeBe: NATURE of SIGNS
- Semiotics and abduction
- serve you fitt like a glove penalty
- Session at INSC 2003
- SFP Commentary 2002-06: Venezuela: Next Chile? -Pilger
- Shannon Entropy
- Sharper vision
- Skip tracing techniques to help recover delinquent money judgments
- social and/or general information?
- social complexity
- Social Fitness and Information
- Social Fitness and Information (2)
- Social Information
- Social Information (reply to Capurro)
- Social Information -2
- Social Information, New media
- Societal systems locally attached, regionally committed and globally engaged
- Socioinfo conf. & Haifa & ISSS
- software
- Solidarity is needed
- Solong, have a nice winter
- Some closing comments.
- some comments
- Some questions about the nature of informational theories
- Something else to think over, but soon
- Something you can bear something you can't by yourself divorcee
- Sorry about my previous message as it was illegal.
- Sorry, it did not work. george bush requesting feedback? not likely
- Spam and information
- Special Issue of JASS journal
- Special Issues of JASS journal
- state of the art
- still wondering how long you will ordering meeds flee
- Storno
- strong thesis
- strong thesis -Svar
- Stronger, More Powerful Climaxes
- structure & communication
- structure & communication -Svar
- Subscription of abstract paper
- subtopics for broader attention
- Suggest President Bush to let the Inspections Work while searching a peaceful
- Suggestion for the coming e-conf on the 2nd of May 2002
- Superb The caretaker for your health on the way to your home clothesmen
- SV: [Fis] Consilience: Writing on the Clouds
- SV: [Fis] Economic Networks
- SV: [Fis] leteral comment
- SV: [Fis] Quantum info
- SV: [FIS] Quantum info. Reply to John and Soren
- SV: [Fis] Realism
- SV: [Fis] The Realist's Dilemma
- SV: Biological Information
- SV: FIS discussion
- SV: FIS discussion and call for papers
- SV:
- SV: Foundations of Information Science
- SV: Information and Meaning--Stonier
- SV: Information and Natural Languages
- SV: SV: [Fis] Consilience: Writing on the Clouds
- SV: SV: Foundations of Information Science
- SV: SV: Information and Natural Languages
- SV: SV: SV: Information and Natural Languages
- SV: tech. note & comments
- Svar: announcement of a new e-journal
- Svar: Fwd: Some questions about the nature of informational theories
- Svar: Kickoff for September FIS Session
- Sweepstake Winning Result.
- Sweepstake Winning.
- Sweets,a resistible temptation only?
- Symmetry and entropy
- symmetry and information theory
- Symposion IASS-AIS 1999
- Symposium I (IST) of BAC 2001 towards Unity through Diversity
- Systems Thinking? Yes, but holistically conceived
- Take a look at a stock poised for the next leg up j b cq q ap dfj v
- talking exactly about what we are talking about
- tech. note & comments
- technical note
- technicalities
- technological infrastructures
- terra
- test
- text is made readable
- The 2004 edition of The American Medical Directory doctors, physicians, h oazsowxiahc
- The 2004 edition of The American Medical Directory medical, pediatrics, eoh q
- the convenience you feel
- the dynamism of numbers
- The Knowledge-Based Economy: Modeled, Measured, Simulated
- The Language of Cells
- the meaning of meaning
- The Power of Power Laws
- the rites and rituals of the natives of north-western white races
- The Social/Cultural Information Layer
- theology of animalistic religion
- theories
- Theory of Information.
- Theory of Information. Trying to answer: WHAT FOR?
- Theses on the Place of Purpose in Nature
- This is real
- This is the smart choice for low priced rx meds.
- three months dose is our largest supply once ghoul
- time
- time and three infos
- time to say goodbye to your sleeping p_il.~l
- timely FIS proposals
- tlearn to protect yourself. prevent bad things from happening
- Tom�s last book
- too much / not enough information
- too much/not enough information
- topic suggestions
- Two Cents
- Two questions
- two tempos
- unit for information
- UNITY through DIVERSITY might be also applicable to INFORMATION (1)
- UNITY through DIVERSITY might be also applicable to INFORMATION (10)
- UNITY through DIVERSITY might be also applicable to INFORMATION (2)
- UNITY through DIVERSITY might be also applicable to INFORMATION (3)
- UNITY through DIVERSITY might be also applicable to INFORMATION (4)
- UNITY through DIVERSITY might be also applicable to INFORMATION (5)
- UNITY through DIVERSITY might be also applicable to INFORMATION (6)
- UNITY through DIVERSITY might be also applicable to INFORMATION (7)
- UNITY through DIVERSITY might be also applicable to INFORMATION (8)
- UNITY through DIVERSITY might be also applicable to INFORMATION (9)
- university degrees for sale!
- unknown relevance
- unsubscribe
- Unsubscribe FIS
- update an orgasm is just the very beginning
- vacations
- valuable tips and detailed information on rx meeds condiment
- Variational principles and biology
- Vedr.: Advanced Draft
- Vedr.: disconnected points
- Vedr.: Emotion Theory
- Vedr.: realism and information
- Vedr.: reply to Burgin
- Vedr.: semiotics
- Vedr.: Semiotics and abduction
- Verbs and Information
- virtual conference
- virus
- Visual Semantics
- VisualSemantics
- Vtibqiuwb help you stay healthy
- We have visited your website
- Welcome to view a new paper
- well worth purchasing
- WESS Conversation (Dec. 13), WESSbook (Dec 8) Invitations
- WESS Dinner Meeting, Thursday, Jan. 31, 2002, James
- WESS Dinner Meeting, Thursday, Jan. 31, 2002, James Barham.
- WESS Dinner Meeting. Oct. 18, 2001. Prof. Karl Pribram.
- WESS Dinner Meeting. Speaker: Prof. Karl Pribram
- WESS Dinner Meetings, Nov. 15. 2001, with Dr. Vera Kurkova,
- WESS invites you to contribute your creative ideas.
- WESS Symposium
- WESSbook and WESSwalk
- WESSbook, Jan. 25, 2002. The Nature of Energy.
- WESSbook, June 8, 2002. The Nature of Time
- WESSbook, Nature of Space, Call for Volunteers, October 12, 2002.
- WESSbook, Nature of Time, June 8 Meeting.
- WESSbook, The Nature of Space, Oct. 12, 2002
- WG: [Fis] "Ecological Economics and Information"
- What about disinformation?
- What is information ?
- What is information?
- What is the definition of information ?
- What is the definition of information ? (fis teamworkship!)
- What is the definition of information?
- What is the definition of information? Information is theamountof data after
- while waiting
- with respect to Subject: tech. note & comments
- without the hassle in getting your rx refilled this time
- Women and evangelism
- Women Strike 11-11
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- World Summit on Information Technology (WSIS)
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- Your Application Confirmation Sat, 09 Oct 2004 07:57:16 -0100
- Your Application Confirmation Thu, 30 Sep 2004 15:00:30 +0200
- your mail
- your purchase will be appr0vved by the licensed doctor fund
- Last message date: Tue 01 May 2007 - 05:13:49 CEST
- Archived on: Tue 01 May 2007 - 05:13:51 CEST