Mapping the Knowledge <>
Structures in Patents using Co-classifications
Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S), Montreal, October 2007.
In this study, I explore the options to use co-classifications as an
alternative means to map the technological content of the patent system. The
USA, the EU, Japan, and other countries use different rules for the
application and different classification regimes. However, the World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has developed an international
classification which is not biased regionally and maintains a database of
patents with international designations (insofar as these are filed under
the regime of the Patent Cooperation Treaty which is currently undersigned
by 135 nations). Using the 138,751 patents published by the WIPO in 2006,
national profiles are constructed in terms of co-classification maps. The
files for the visualizations are brought online in the
Pajek format so that users
can choose their specific visualization techniques. (The size of the nodes
is made proportionate to the logarithm of the number of patents in the
corresponding category; the co-classification matrix is normalized using the
cosine as the similarity criterion.)
Andorra (47 patents)
United Arab Emirates (61
Afghanistan (5 patents)
Antigua and Barbuda (168
Anguilla (124 patents)
Albania (7 patents)
Armenia (465 patents)
Netherlands Antilles (382
Angola (11 patents)
African Regional Intellectual
Property (4 patents)
Argentina (158 patents)
Austria (1220 patents)
Australia (1093 patents)
Aruba (168 patents)
Azerbaijan (4 patents)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (20
Belgium (914 patents)
Bulgaria (21 patents)
Bah rain (3 patents)
Burundi (6 patents)
Brazil (190 patents)
Belarus (15 patents)
Canada (2051 patents)
Congo (4 patents)
Switzerland (1728 patents)
Chile (24 patents)
Cameroon (3 patents)
China (1677 patents)
Colombia (8 patents)
Costa Rica (5 patents)
Cuba (14 patents)
Cyprus (5 patents)
Czech Republic (82 patents)
Germany (3) (11861 patents)
Denmark (685 patents)
Eurasian Patent Organization
(EAPO)(1) (4 patents)
Ecuador (2 patents)
Estonia (9 patents)
Egypt (32 patents)
Western Sahara(5) (3 patents)
Office for Harmonization in the
Internal Market (17 patents)
Eritrea (41 patents)
Spain (718 patents)
Ethiopia (24 patents)
Finland (1046 patents)
France (4642 patents)
Gabon (82 patents)
United Kingdom (3991 patents)
Georgia (9 patents)
Gibraltar (11 patents)
Greece (50 patents)
The Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region (20 patents)
Honduras (14 patents)
Croatia (28 patents)
Haiti (31 patents)
Hungary (157 patents)
International Bureau of the
World Intellectual (9 patents)
Indonesia (38 patents)
Ireland (240 patents)
Israel (1183 patents)
Isle of Man (84 patents)
India (915 patents)
Iran (Islamic Republic of) (118
Iceland (222 patents)
Italy (1677 patents)
Jordan (6 patents)
Japan (15093 patents)
Kenya (57 patents)
Kiribati (24 patents)
Democratic People's Republic of
Korea (4 patents)
Republic of Korea (2962 patents)
Cayman Islands (3 patents)
Kazakhstan (7 patents)
Lao People's Democratic Republic
(9 patents)
Lebanon (2 patents)
Liechtenstein (10 patents)
Lesotho (5 patents)
Lithuania (11 patents)
Luxembourg (40 patents)
Latvia (16 patents)
Morocco (75 patents)
Monaco (5 patents)
Republic of Moldova (9 patents)
Montenegro (52 patents)
Macao (10 patents)
Mauritius (4 patents)
Mexico (92 patents)
Malaysia (57 patents)
Namibia (27 patents)
Nigeria (4 patents)
Nicaragua (10 patents)
Netherlands (2261 patents)
Norway (492 patents)
New Zealand (224 patents)
Oman (112 patents)
Peru (4 patents)
Philippines (18 patents)
Pakistan (2 patents)
Poland (91 patents)
Portugal (33 patents)
Romania (38 patents)
Russian Federation (501 patents)
Saudi Arabia (84 patents)
Sweden (1482 patents)
Singapore (387 patents)
Saint Helena (125 patents)
Slovenia (63 patents)
Slovakia (25 patents)
Somalia (14 patents)
Thailand (33 patents)
Tunisia (5 patents)
Tonga (98 patents)
Turkey (129 patents)
Taiwan, Province of China (101
Ukraine (65 patents)
Uganda (63 patents)
United States of America (33791
Uruguay (9 patents)
Uzbekistan (80 patents)
Venezuela (2 patents)
Viet Nam (3 patents)
South Africa (167 patents)
Loet Leydesdorff
Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR)
Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam
Tel.: +31-20- 525 6598; fax: +31-20- 525 3681
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Now available:
The Knowledge-Based Economy: Modeled, Measured, Simulated. 385 pp.; US$
The Self-Organization of the Knowledge-Based Society;
The Challenge of Scientometrics
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Received on Sun Feb 4 17:41:02 2007