conf. preparations

From: <>
Date: Thu 10 Jan 2002 - 14:22:13 CET

Dear colleagues,

here there are some further preparations about our own fis web pages (at ) that Wolfang and me are articulating these

--- revamping the "ARCHIVE" place with new contents:

**fis teaching experiences section (Igamberdiev´s bio & infosci.lectures
already received, my own teaching programs of Sci. Tech & Soc. and
Bioinformation, plus any other teaching experience or project potentially
interesting from the info perspective),

**preprints section (drafts & preprints & projects posted for the purpose
of receiving public and private comments).

**fis researchers section (interested parties may send a very brief
curriculum with their research interests, plus some publications to be kept

--- Creation of a specific item, FIS 2002, and a "preconference
discussions" label for the messages currently exchanged.

--- Organizing the LIST MODERATION: I would keep moderating the fis list
during rest of january & feb. Wolfang will moderate and promote new
discussions during march & april. And then we both will relinquish
moderation upon the conference chairs (may & june). After the conference
sessions, we could have some rounds of more quiet and focused exchanges
(maybe continuing with the conference chairs, and later on having new

Does this sound OK?
Please, send us --or to the list-- any comments or further suggestions.


Pedro C. Marijuán
Fundación CIRCE
CPS Univ. Zaragoza, 50015 Zaragoza, Spain
TEL. (34) 976 762036-761863, FAX (34) 976 732078
Received on Thu Jan 10 14:28:12 2002

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