Re: conf. preparations

From: Fenzl <>
Date: Thu 10 Jan 2002 - 17:10:49 CET

dear pedro and wolfgang
Good idea.
congratulations for the effort

-----Mensagem Original-----
De: "Pedro C. Mariju�n" <>
Para: "Multiple recipients of list FIS" <>
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2002 11:20
Assunto: conf. preparations

> Dear colleagues,
> here there are some further preparations about our own fis web pages (at
> ) that Wolfang and me are articulating these
> weeks:
> --- revamping the "ARCHIVE" place with new contents:
> **fis teaching experiences section (Igamberdiev�s bio & infosci.lectures
> already received, my own teaching programs of Sci. Tech & Soc. and
> Bioinformation, plus any other teaching experience or project potentially
> interesting from the info perspective),
> **preprints section (drafts & preprints & projects posted for the purpose
> of receiving public and private comments).
> **fis researchers section (interested parties may send a very brief
> curriculum with their research interests, plus some publications to be
> permanently)
> --- Creation of a specific item, FIS 2002, and a "preconference
> discussions" label for the messages currently exchanged.
> --- Organizing the LIST MODERATION: I would keep moderating the fis list
> during rest of january & feb. Wolfang will moderate and promote new
> discussions during march & april. And then we both will relinquish
> moderation upon the conference chairs (may & june). After the conference
> sessions, we could have some rounds of more quiet and focused exchanges
> (maybe continuing with the conference chairs, and later on having new
> moderators)...
> Does this sound OK?
> Please, send us --or to the list-- any comments or further suggestions.
> Pedro
> =========================================
> Pedro C. Mariju�n
> Fundaci�n CIRCE
> CPS Univ. Zaragoza, 50015 Zaragoza, Spain
> TEL. (34) 976 762036-761863, FAX (34) 976 732078
> email:
> =========================================
Received on Thu Jan 10 17:10:59 2002

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