prospects 2000

From: Pedro C. Marijuan <>
Date: Fri 10 Dec 1999 - 14:22:58 CET

dear FISers

The Cajal conference is over. There are some fallouts yet, but the big
turmoil has passed and I have recovered some spare time.

>From the organization point of view, and also scientifically, the
conference was very OK. Actually we have had quite many interesting
lectures and discussions, particularly by the big figures who came (eg,
Nobelists Gell-Mann, Edelman, Jacob). The only thing that intrigued me, and
really preocupied, was the extent and stiffness of the disciplinary
barriers... One could say, at least, that we have developed an amazing
"system of incommunicating sciences".

After the conference, my impression is that the interdisciplinary FIS
mission can be important. Our discussions on information science, in spite
of their limitations, repetitions, etc., might have a long-term real

In this sense, I apologize for the ill-preparation of the FIS 2000 to start
next January. Fortunately, Jerry and Peter have already had some thoughts
on the bio and the neuronal parts. As a matter of fact we could start just
with these two sessions, or re-discuss during these days on how to organize
the whole conference.

Perhaps we could also talk, during these days, about the practical
experiences on info science teaching. As far as I know, Abir and Igor
organized a PhD course on bioinformation last year. And I also imparted two
Engineering disciplines last course (Science, Technology and Society:
Informational Foundations --and bioinformation), strange but students liked

cordial regards (and quite soon, Feliz Navidad) from Zaragoza


Pedro C. Marijuan. TEL 34 976 761 927, FAX 34 976 762 111
Dept. Ingen. Electronica y Comunicaciones,
CPS Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza 50015, SPAIN
Received on Sat Dec 11 08:34:27 1999

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