[Fis] Econophysics

[Fis] Econophysics

From: Guy A. Hoelzer <hoelzer@unr.edu>
Date: Wed 01 Jun 2005 - 17:57:47 CEST

I may have missed it, but I have been surprised that the recently
emerged discipline of econophysics has not yet received much
attention during this FIS session. This discipline is being forged
by the work of physicists like Eugene Stanley and economists like
Brian Arthur, and it is founded on the notion that economies can be
better understood as self-organizing complex dynamical systems
governed by the rules of physics. I am personally optimistic about
the value of this approach to understanding economics, but I don't
know enough about it to make a good argument for it here. I hope
that this post will help to stimulate some discussion about
econophysics in this forum.


Guy Hoelzer
Department of Biology
University of Nevada Reno
Reno, NV 89557

Phone: 775-784-4860
Fax: 775-784-1302
Received on Wed Jun 1 17:54:59 2005

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