(message from javorszky@EUnet.at)
Dear FISers,
First of all, let me thank you all for having organized this really
exciting conference!
Koichiro, in his discussion 'primer', has worked out the common and the
different in the approaches of John, Andrei and Pedro towards the idea of
information. Koichiro sums up the main ideas as I understand as follows:
John talks about the actualised (present moment) fact and opposes the
potential to this knowledge; Pedro remarks the predictability of the
actualised, and visualises the actualised (or to-be-actualised) as embedded
in the middle of the potential
(knowing Pedro, one will know that he muses about symmetry); Andrei points
out that the realised does have different properties to the potential.
Let me propose that information is the pointing out of a specific
realisation among many
possible realisations. In terms of numbers: one specific arrangement of
relations among numbers among many possible arrangements of relations among
numbers. If we can accept this translation into number theory, then we may
integrate the concepts outlined above into one consolidated model of
information theory --interrelating those 'arch' principles that Pedro was
best wishes
Received on Wed May 8 12:02:33 2002
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