Re: info & physics

From: Fenzl Norbert <>
Date: Tue 21 May 2002 - 14:17:44 CEST

Dear all,
The discussion is very interesting, pity that we have so few time left to go deeper.. but here some comments about the relation of signs and information
In a very basic sense: signs are differences of input and they need to be "interpreted" by the receiver to be information FOR the receiving system. If the organization pattern, the logic of its structural organization, enables the open system to react to the incoming signs (in other words: to actualize its own specific structural information), than we can say that the system processes the signs to information. In phys-chem. systems these processes can be very complex and should not be understood as a simple mechanical reaction.

The essential point is that this has nothing to do with understanding in the sense of communication between human beings, or other higher form of life. The processing of signs and the generation of information goes through different steps of evolution, and so far it is obvious that such a process has different levels of quality.

In my opinion the main point is, that the new quality of biotic evolution is NOT the emergence of information per se; but the NEW QUALITY of the whole process which generates information and the new quality of information itself.

So, if some says Information exists "out there", if I understand it or not. I would answer:

YES, when I admit that an infinite number of systems are permanently processing signs to information, if I know it, understand it or not.

YES, if I admit that a structure is already the product of such a process. And so far we can say that structural information exists all over the universe.

NO, if I only conceive Information as something I understand.
Received on Tue May 21 14:19:26 2002

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