Fw: [Fis] art and meaning

Fw: [Fis] art and meaning

From: Pavel Luksha <bowin@mail.ru>
Date: Thu 16 Feb 2006 - 14:34:26 CET

Here is the copy of Lauri's response to the previous email

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lauri Grohn" <lauri.grohn@kolumbus.fi>
To: "Pavel Luksha" <bowin@mail.ru>
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Fis] art and meaning

> At 23:02 15.2.2006, Pavel Luksha wrote:
>>Therefore, I would also diagree that art is a technology of ethics.
>>Ethical systems are not derived from art, they forerun artistic
>>expressions of ethics. They are shaped by deep beliefs and values, that
>>resolve personal existential questions (the problem of death and the
>>meaning of life). This can only be done by some form of religion - or
>>something that substitutes religion for a non-religious man.
> When or if "arts are technologies of ethics", it doesn't mean that
> ethical systems are "derived from art", but that arts are making ethics
> visible or audible. Just like many technologies are based on quantum
> mechanics taking that science - > technology parallel.
> LG

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Received on Thu Feb 16 14:30:54 2006

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