Dear colleagues,
for strange reasons (maybe this list.server was down during some brief
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* * * *
Subject: Re: no subject (file transmission)
Werner's points (14 Jan 98) are quite enlightening.
Let me add some of my understandings to his list.
>4. Information is a non-physical quantity. Information transfer is always
>connected with energy and entropy flows, the opposite is not true
>Wiener is right: information cannot be reduced to
>energy or entropy.
Information must be due to the lack of a bird's eye perspective
on the part of any of material bodies, like we are. The absence of
the global perspective on the spot cannot physically be referred to.
What can be physical instead could be a material means that may
mitigate the extent of the absence of the global perspecitve.
>1. Information can have two basic forms:
>- free information, is what is transferred betweem sender and receiver,
>- bound information, is a structure which is an actual or potential
> information carrier.
If we try to understand this in a bit old-fashioned manner,
the making of bound information could be equated to preparing
boundary conditions and the process of free information to the
dynamics under given boundary conditions. What is quite new to
the issue of information is that it squarely faces the issue of
how to prepare boundary conditions on the part of material bodies.
In the usual practice of experimental sicences, the job of
preparing boundary conditions has been allotted exclusively to
experimenters and no one else. Information as an empirical
science can marginalize the role of experimenters insisting
their monopoly of controlling boundary conditions. Of course,
philosophers in general and semioticians in particular may
say the same thing in a more colorful language.
Koichiro Matsuno
Pedro C. Marijuán --FAX 34 976 761 861 --TEL 34 976 761 927
Dto. Ingenieria Electronica y Comunicaciones
CPS, Universidad de Zaragoza
Zaragoza 50015, SPAIN
Received on Thu Jan 22 11:19:30 1998
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