Might be we are dealing with different layers of meaning of the word
meaning". It is probably the reason why we (listeners) sometimes do not
converge to a common point on this :-) as those layers probably intersect
with each other at some point of the semiotic or imaginary space (in
parallel to complex numbers and their imaginary parts composing a fractal..
but we do not know precisely how to get there from our current positions
scattered all over the space which still remains unmapped.
Best wishes
-------Original Message-------
From: Rafael Capurro
Date: 2004 m. vasaris 24 d. 02:44:10
To: Viktoras Didziulis; fis@listas.unizar.es
Subject: Re: [Fis] Meaningful Information vs Information
thanks for your excellent explanation. I follow from it that we can operate
with *different* concepts of *meaning*: what is meaningful for one system is
not meaningful for the other and there is no possibility of a *reductionary*
explanation (I agree with Soeren...).
fis mailing list
Received on Tue Feb 24 13:25:58 2004
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