[Fis] State Vector versus Wavefunction

[Fis] State Vector versus Wavefunction

From: Michael Devereux <dbar_x@cybermesa.com>
Date: Tue 06 Jun 2006 - 19:43:24 CEST

Dear Marcin,

Its my understanding that the quantum wavefunction corresponds, one to
one, with the state vector in Hilbert space. The spatial representation
of the wavefunction, Psi(x), for example, is identical with the inner
product, in Hilbert space, of the position eigenvector for x with the
state vector, a. Or the momentum representation of the wavefunction,
Psi(p), is identical to the inner product of the momentum eigenvector,
p, with the state vector, a. And so on. My authority for this is
Merzbachers textbook. Would you disagree?


Michael Devereux

fis mailing list
Received on Tue Jun 6 19:45:27 2006

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