From: Pedro C. Mariju�n <[email protected]>
Date: Mon 14 Apr 2003 - 11:02:20 CEST

Dear colleagues,

Around one month ago, the list runs in a new server with more advanced
software. Now any subscriber can perform, through the web and by using a
personal password, a variety of (useless!) operations.

Be aware that using the 'reply' function does not post your reply into the
list, but only to the previous sender. Now, all messages should be
addressed to fis@listas.unizar.es

Also, the message has to be addressed exclusively to fis, otherwise if the
address is 'implicit' (into a pack with other addresses) the server ask me
for 'permission' and I have to reintroduce the message in an ad hoc
operation. This is currently happening in messages from some parties
(Elohimjl, Jerry).

After Easter we might reassume the exchanges. Actually there are two
sessions prepared: one about THE INFORMATIONAL NATURE OF MUSIC (with Juan
Roederer and Michael Leyton as invitees) and another about MOLECULAR
RECOGNITION PATTERNS OF DNA (with Sergei Pethoukov and, tentatively,
Shu-Kun Lin as invitees).

Please, have a glance in our home pages: there is going to be posted a very
elegant Artwork by Jim Cogswell (remember the exchanges on the
interpretation of THAT...). http://fis.iguw.tuwien.ac.at/

all the best


fis mailing list
Received on Mon Apr 14 10:43:45 2003

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