It seems necessary to be aware enough of the man-made (*) activities
that are nowadays gravely disturbing the evolvement of our
magnificent homosphere.
(*) I dare to argue that these activities are conceived, designed and
accomplished mainly by men, but so far certainly passively supported
by diverse kinds of adaptability exerted by self-resigned women
After the Gulf War (1991) due to the misrule of the authoritarian
government - as it was scarcely motivated to attend the needs of
Iraq's people - aggravated by the embargo imposed by means of UNO
dispositions, quickly proliferated the manifestation of infectious
diseases such as cholera and typhus. In addition the malnutrition of
children became a national problem that could not be overcome by the
UNO's program " Oil for Food" that started to be implemented in 1997,
six years later. UNICEF has estimated that the Gulf War and the
embargo had been causing the death of 200 children every day or 12
children dying every hour according to International Amnesty. UNICEF
claims that 95% of pregnant women suffer anemia and 25% of children
are affected by grave malnutrition.
However, it has been, is and will continue being the radioactive
contamination caused by the depleted uranium the main problem that
the international community should deal with, because it has
seriously affected winners and losers in that military confrontation
and also those involved in other recent conflicts. This uranium: the
U-238, is what causes the ill-defined symptoms, which gradually have
been recognized as the marking features of the "Gulf War Syndrome".
This question is alarmingly tragic for the future of human life. It
arose as the outcome of the way it has been decided to organize the
disposal of large amounts of this uranium, which - since 1977 until
today - is obtained from the debris generated during the production
of nuclear devices and also through the operation of nuclear power
plants. Based on an unilateral and shortsighted judgement, derived
from very simplified interpretations of what efficiency and
productivity must be in these industrial domains, it has been
cleverly thought that this uranium can be employed for military
purposes in order to increase the impact and power of traditional
weapons. Military minds, being also infected by the inhumane trends
of the whole civilizing adventure, have been increasingly fascinated
by technological innovations conceived and designed for killing a
larger number of enemies with a single shoot. Rather recently the
technological innovations that made possible the creation of
airplanes, motivated military minds to destroy the enemy's
possibilities -faster and more effectively - by means of bombing.
Pretty soon the same military minds chose to bomb innocent civil
people, as a terrorizing procedure that has aimed at making weaker
the internal support of the enemy. Nowadays, in the super modern
epoch where automation is reducing the number of human resources
required for maintaining the functionality of the societies
constituted, to create weapons for massive annihilation has become
one of the main objectives of those intelligent governors who aim at
pushing ahead the progress of humankind. Indeed they have cleverly
realized that it is no longer needed to defeat peoples for being
submitted and exploited afterwards.
Therefore the depleted uranium has become, through scientific and
technological research, the modern substance employed for covering
the conventional munitions used in guns, tanks and airplanes. It is
used also for protection of these devices, being included missiles.
This is one important aspect of the prevailing civilizing processes,
which have been oriented towards the exhaustive exploitation of
everything, whatever the consequences, instead of expending money for
excellently built depots for depleted uranium whose radioactivity has
been estimated may disappear on its own after 4,500 years. After
being successfully evaluated such a decision the managers of public
organizations dealing with the Defense and the Energy concerns have
chosen to offer the depleted uranium, free of charge, to military
factories all over the world but certainly being excepted the evil
Iraq. At present USA, England, France, Canada, Russia, Greece,
Turkey, Israel, Arab monarchies, Taiwan, South Korea, Pakistan,
Japan,... at least buy or produce weapons with depleted uranium
In 1996 and later in 1999, U.S. and OTAN respectively employed bombs
with depleted uranium in the territory of the ancient Yugoslavian.
Along the last three years the features of "Gulf War Syndrome" have
been gradually identified among the population of Irak, Bosnia y
Kosovo and also among veteran U.S., British and Spanish soldiers and
their children. Hinde Pomeraniec has denounced the immediate effects
of being successfully carried out these defense (?) experiments:
increasing number of malformations in children recently born, growing
rate of unexpected abortions, larger number of cancer in children.
Still is insufficiently known all the consequences of these
procedures employed for civilization sake.
The troubles as a whole are provoking the most serious crisis ever
face by humankind. Once again the actions that are causing it are
announced for the sake of ordering the functionality of selected
countries, though today through the insertion of democratic
procedures in order to push ahead the progress of the ultra
modernized humanity. A tragic paradox derived from human minds
capable of shortsighted and narrow-minded rationality. Many human
minds need to be creative enough for building HUMANELY the World
Order, as Ludwig von Bertalanffy claimed in the 1960s.
"...the overall fate of the world depends on the adoption by humanity
of a new set of values, based on
a general systems WELTANSCHAUUNG (worldview)".
«We are seeking another basic outlook: the world as organization.
This [outlook] would profoundly change the categories of our thinking
and influence our practical attitudes.
We must envision the biosphere as a whole ...
with mutually reinforcing or mutually destructive interdependencies.
[We need] a global system of mutually symbiotic societies,
mapping new conditions into a flexible institutional structure
and dealing with change through constructive reorganization.»
Received on Mon Apr 14 10:01:48 2003
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