[Fis] further comments

From: Pedro C. Marijuán <marijuan@posta.unizar.es>
Date: Wed 16 Apr 2003 - 13:55:41 CEST

Dear colleagues,

I went to the site pointed out by Rafael in his message last week. Perhaps
it is a debate --ethics and the information society-- we should also
organize in our list, continuing the VEMs proposal expostulated by Bob in
our 1998 discussions (by the way, I am reintroducing into the list Bob's
'reply' message of days ago).

Well, we would run against the perennial tradition in natural science of
exclusively objectifying approaches, but the plausibility of a 'universal'
moral, transcultural and transreligious, putting together a nucleus of
basic norms for humane behavior, looks also an informational
problem--however, how could it be handled? It is amazing that each
generation approximately doubles the accumulated sci-tech knowledge, while
this other type of knowledge, so crucial for the survival of civilization,
remains in stagnation. Real 'progress' in moral and justice is of outmost
necessity for a globalized world.

In another order of things, an officer of the AAAS (American Ass. Adv. of
Science) contacted me some weeks ago, through Wolfgang intermediation.
Seemingly, they are trying to organize an 'Information Science' symposium
and track for their annual meeting, next year in Seattle. Amazingly, they
were already aware of FIS proposals, and they consider very promising the
critical examination of 'information foundations' we are making. Let us
hope that as the present ominous circumstances clear out, their project
will survive and will get ahead...

best wishes


fis mailing list
Received on Wed Apr 16 13:48:01 2003

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