>Workshop on the Evolution of Complexity
>June 3rd, 2006, Bloomington, IN, USA
>as a part of the Tenth International Conference on the Simulation and
>Synthesis of Living Systems: ALife X
>The evolution of complexity is a central theme in Biology. Yet it is
>not without any ambiguity. Complexity has been used to refer to
>different things. For instance, complexification has been interpreted
>as a process of diversification between evolving units or as a
>scaling process that is related to the idea of transitions between
>different levels of complexity. Other meanings of complexity have
>been introduced, both inside and outside the realm of Biology. What
>concerns most researchers is to get insight into the mechanisms that
>produce their notion of complexity.
>The focus of this workshop will be on biological interpretations of
>complexity and the driving mechanisms: primarily we want the focus to
>be on evolutionary and related dynamics as mechanisms for producing
>complexity. Furthermore, we want to bring together historical and
>novel research in this context.
>Questions to be addressed at the workshop include:
>- - What are the environmental constraints of complexity growth in
>living systems?
>- - What is the origin and role of developmental mechanisms in
>- - Are the principles of natural selection, as they are currently
>understood, sufficient to explain the evolution of complexity?
>- - What are the limits at different levels to the evolution of
>complexity, and which conditions could reduce evolved complexity?
>- - <Which models are | What language is> more appropriate to
><understand | speak about> the evolution of complexity in living
>- - How could complexity growth be measured or operationalised in
>natural and artificial systems?
>- - How can data from nature be brought to bear on the study of this
>- - What are the main hypotheses about complexity growth that can
>actually be tested?
>- - Is it possible to <direct|manipulate> the evolution of
>complexity, or which benefits would bring its understanding?
>Paper submission:
>Submitted papers should follow the format guidelines for the ALife X
>proceedings (http://www.alifex.org/submissions/
). Papers should not
>exceed 6 pages in length.
>Submissions will be made electronically at the workshop website.
>Important dates:
>Submission deadline: February 28th, 2006
>Notification of acceptance: April 1st, 2006
>Camera-ready papers due: April 15th, 2006
>Workshop date: June 3rd, 2006
>Workshop Structure:
>The workshop will take place in Bloomington, IN, USA, on June 3,
>2006, the first day of the conference. The aim is to have 2-4 invited
>speakers, and talks by the authors of groundbreaking contributions.
>We feel that it is important to have a discussion on the
>presentations and submissions at a workshop and hence will introduce
>a workshop format that achieves this goal.
>Invited speakers (* indicates confirmed):
>Mark Bedau*
>Jim Crutchfield*
>Stuart Kauffman
>Ricard Sol�
>Workshop proceedings will be published in a special volume
>distributed at the conference. (This volume will be different from
>the MIT press conference proceedings). Depending on the quality of
>submissions, a special issue of the Artificial Life journal may be
>Programme Committee:
>Lee Altenberg
>Mark Bedau
>Dominique Chu
>Jim Crutchfield
>Bruce Edmonds
>Carlos Gershenson
>Franics Heylighen
>Tom Lenaerts
>Juan Juli�n Merelo
>Barry McMullin
>Melanie Mitchell
>Jorge Pacheco
>Tom Ray
>Jon Rowe
>Stanley Salthe
>Cosma Shalizi
>Peter Schuster
>E�rs Szathm�ry
>Richard Watson
>Organising Committee:
>Carlos Gershenson
>Centrum Leo Apostel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
>Krijgskundestraat 33. B-1160, Brussels, Belgium
>Tom Lenaerts
>IRIDIA CP 194/6, Universit� Libre de Bruxelles
>Av. Franklin Roosevelt 50. B-1050, Brussels, Belgium
>Workshop: http://ecco.vub.ac.be/ECO/
>Conference: http://www.alifex.org
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Received on Tue Jan 3 11:40:34 2006