From: Igor Rojdestvenski <>
Date: Sun 25 Dec 2005 - 17:32:18 CET
Dear Jerry,
I will answer "my part" in green:
Igor writes (vol. 488, 6)
A cell mechanism A adapts (measures) to the cell environment, which it is part of. During
this adaptation it increases its complexity and changes (by its very presence) the cell environment,
which thus also increases its complexity. Given that there are many such mechanisms (enzyme
catalyzed chemical reactions, organelles, membranes, etc), each mechanism increases its complexity
by reflecting on the presence of the totality of the other mechanisms.
I would prefer to express the concepts in terms of the flow of electrical particles...
It may be flow of electric particles, e.g.
"measurement" as exchange of electrons or radicals in chemical reactions, which leads to
saturations of concentrations of products and thus changes the environment;
Many more examples possible...
In all these cases change, occuring as a reaction to a certain flow, is a measurement of
this flow, and it, in turn, forces the changes to this flow.
Yes, one may say that most of these phenomena deal with either flows of charged particles
or photons. This is, however, trivial. Indeed, there exist only 4 force fields -- electromagnetic,
gravity, strong and weak. In case of living matter, at the level of description of biomolecular
networks, we deal only with the first one, with electromagnetic field. Hence, the only material
objects that really matter are those which interact with the electromagnetic field or are produced
by it, i.e. photons and charges (ions and electrons)
The term "mechanism" can be used in either a mathematical sense, a chemical
sense, or a general sense. In what sense is it being used in this paragraph?
When I say "mechanism" I mean:
Nature as such does not know equations and networks, these are means of our
interpretation of what happens out there. I think that this is more or less in line with Robert
Rosen's views.
More specifically, in the narrative you provide, how does one create relations between
electrical particles and the dynamics of bionetworks? Although only a small number of different
electrical particles exist, how does one create the range of organisms in an ecosystem?
Another argument: One needs only 0 and 1 values for the bit to convey in a string of bits
as much information as one needs to.
How can we make such concepts EXACT such that they become a meaningful method of
scientific prediction? This is the challenge for bionetworks at all levels of perplexity. How does
individuality arise from such a narrative?
The problem is that we are oftentimes dealing here with the unstable non-equilibrium
systems which are deterministic but unpredictable. This means that we cannot predict their behavior
but can explain it afterwards. A good example is the game of pool. It is absolutely impossible to
predict (before the stroke is made) exactly where each ball lands after the first stroke made into
the "triangle" of balls. However, all the interactions, of course, obey Newtonian laws,
and backward reconstruction of the process is possible. Same with evolution of biological systems
and, in a way, with bionetworks. Only general features of it may be probabilistically predicted. And
this is exactly how the individuality comes into picture. Had it not been for these instabilities
and extreme sensitivity to small variations in initial and boundary conditions, we would have been
all alike and all the same.
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