[Fis] May music BE a real civilizing tool?

From: elohimjl <elohimjl@mail.zserv.tuwien.ac.at>
Date: Fri 06 Jun 2003 - 13:38:02 CEST

Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) wrote "By plucking her petals, you do
not gather the beauty of the flower".

Humans are certainly capable of clearly seeing the forest for the
trees. The development of this intrinsic possibility, that may become
a capability, is what allows humans, from time to time, to humanely
organize their individual and collective performance

However, it seems that mainly selfish utilitarian attitudes
'motivate' scientists:
* to pluck ad infinitum flowers and many other natural circumstances;
* to rationally organize the exhaustive exploitation of wood;
* to support decision makers in the implementation of
behavioral engineering that aims at manipulating individual brains;

What the devil leads to conceive "a new emergent field known as
'biomusicology' or 'evolutionary musicology' where a bunch of
interdisciplinary scholars are trying to make biological sense of the
'human' phenomenon of music."

Music seems to be an exclusively human phenomenon. Does it make sense
to assume that "music (might be) from strictly objective
informational, physical and biological points of view, as much as
possible detached from location- and time-specific cultural

I dare to argue that the musical domain is quite infected by the
unilateral business concerns that characterizes our magnificent (?)

Bertalanffy argued: humans need to recognize a system as a "dynamic
order of parts and processes standing in mutual interaction" and that
a living being as a conceptual model is an open system "an entity
continuously interacting with its environment". Therefore it can be
claimed that the outcome of a healthy open system derives from
getting it involved through self-organizing possibilities in order to
take into account and eventually take care of the surrounding

Might subjective musical endeavors be organized for encouraging every
human to be a responsible and a humane agent in order to contribute
consciously to civilize the human society that nowadays is immersed
as a set of objects for selfish utilitarian purposes?
Received on Fri Jun 6 12:42:15 2003

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