Re: [Fis] Robert Rosen's modeling paradigm

Re: [Fis] Robert Rosen's modeling paradigm

From: Igor Rojdestvenski <>
Date: Wed 25 Jan 2006 - 10:57:51 CET

I would make a reference to von Neumann's paradox, which states that a mechanism cannot produce a mechanism more complex than the "parent".
I myslef interpret Rosen's distinction "upside-down". We call the systems which are capable of self-repair and self-reproduction living systems, no matter of their origin. In this sense A-life systems are living systems. The ones deprived of these properties we call machines.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic
  To: ;
  Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 12:43 AM
  Subject: [Fis] Robert Rosen's modeling paradigm

  Dear Igor,

  After your reference to Robert Rosen's modeling paradigm, I read about it and I have a question.
  Can you tell why Rosen makes the distinction between a living organism and a "machine" such that machine is unable of self-repair and self-reproduction.
  As far as I can understand there is no fundamental reason to forbid "machines" to do so.
  Do I misinterpret Rosen?

  All the best,


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