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---- Journal of Applied Systems Studies Methodologies and Applications for Systems Approaches [ JASS ] JASS announces that the Special Issue on : "Living, Evolutionary and Tailorable Information Systems: Development Issues and Advanced Applications" has been scheduled. "Living systems" is a core research area in the Systems Sciences and has been applied in disciplines ranging from biology to manufacturing and economics. It is only recently, however, that the 'living' aspect has been applied to Information Systems (IS) and that dynamic concepts such as evolution and tailorability have been researched. In timely fashion, this special issue explores approaches to information systems development that promote the ongoing design of systems and/or defer the design process. It is increasingly recognised that business organisations are 'emergent' in the face of change driven by technology, globalisation, deregulation, acquisition and merger, customer relationship management and the like. If you are interested in the above special issue title AND for the current issues, please visit JASS web site. For submission of papers consult the "Aims & Scope" of JASS. --------------------------Received on Tue May 8 09:55:49 2001
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