From: Pedro C. Mariju�n <>
Date: Fri 13 Sep 2002 - 14:43:40 CEST

Dear FIS colleagues,

The next session is going to start on Monday 16 Sept., with a kickoff text
and the usual questions posted by John Holgate. The four papers to discuss
are from Benking, Brier, Floridi, Fuchs. Now it will belong to John H. to
keep an eye on the discussion flow, and to recommend continuation or change
of the two postings per week rule... Think deep, post slow!

best wishes


PS. For trip reasons I will not answer my mail until Monday 23 September.
Right now I cannot answer several themes much attractive for me, raised
among others by John H, Karl and Jerry. I am particularly interested in the
question about the lack of a central theory of the neurosciences. My
suggestion is that we devout a good part of one of the coming sessions to
the topic (eg, in connection with Terry's paper --Peter, Allan, Juan and
other people of the field could bring fresh arguments about that). In the
interim I refer to several paragrahs in Edelman & Tononi last book --also
very interesting in the connection between info, entropy and
consciousness-- and to Arbib comments in recent papers and in his book
co-authored with Peter Erdi et al. It is indeed a great discussion theme...
Received on Fri Sep 13 14:44:10 2002

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