Re: WESS Dinner Meetings, Nov. 15. 2001, with Dr. Vera Kurkova,

From: by way of Pedro C. Mariju�n <>
Date: Mon 12 Nov 2001 - 10:12:08 CET


Dear Colleagues:

WESSevents in the coming weeks include WESS Dinners, a WESSwalk in
the Blue Ridge and a WESSbook discussion of "Freedom, Modernity and
Islam" by Richard Khuri.

WESSdinner Meeting on Nov. 15, 2001.

  A WESS dinner meeting with Professor Vera Kurkova
  is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 15, 2001. Professor Kurkova
  has received international recognition for her research
  on emerging computational methodologies.

   Speaker: Prof. Vera Kurkova
                Institute of Computer Science
                Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Title: Neural networks as universal pattern recognizers.

Abstract: A neural network can be viewed as a universal computational device
which can recognize a large variety of patterns merely by setting its
parameters. Principles of such neural pattern recognition without
explicit knowledge of features will be illustrated using the
paradigmatic example of NETtalk. We will give some simple
geometric ideas that show how to efficiently encode the representation of
patterns. Such representations are related to joint work with two
WESS members. No detailed mathematical proofs will be given; the
presentation will largely involve pictures.

   Time: 6:00 PM Cocktails
           7:00 PM Dinner
           8:15 PM Speaker

   Place:Les Halles Brasserie
           1201 Penn Ave NW
           Washington, DC, 20004
           (202) 347-6848

Please email your reservation to me in a timely manner. Or, you can
leave a message on the answering machine at 703-790-1651.

Our agreement with our hosts requires us to submit to them a firm number
of dinner reservations at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.

Guests are welcome.

The location of Les Halles Brasserie is about four blocks east of the
White House, close to both Metro Center and parking garages in
downtown Washington.


A WESSwalk in the Blue Ridge Mountains is scheduled for Sunday, Nov.
18, 2001. We will meet at the Vienna metro station (north side
(outbound) parking lot) at 10:00 AM. We plan to return about return
about 6:00 PM. All are welcome. Please send an email confirming
your participation so that adequate transportation is available.

A WESSdinner meeting is also planned for Thursday, Nov. 29, 2001.
The speaker will be Professor Stan Salthe of New York University at
Binghamton. Stan's work on Evolution and Hierarchy Theory has broken
new ground on the nature of complexity theory. The time and place of
the Nov. 29 dinner meeting will be the same as for the October
meeting. Stan's abstract and other information will be distributed
shortly before the Nov. 29 th meeting date.


A WESSbook discussion is scheduled for early December. WESSbook will meet
on Saturday afternoon, Dec.8, 2001 at 1:00 PM in Room 262 at the
Reiss Science Building on the Georgetown University campus. The book
to be discussed is:

Freedom, Modernity, and Islam
by WESSmember Richard Khuri.

Volunteers for leading discussions of sections of the book are
sought. The subject of this book is particularly topical in light of
recent events. Guests are welcome at the open discussions of WESSbook.

Do you questions about any of these events? Please call at
703-790-1651 for clarification or further information.

Cheers to All.

Jerry LR Chandler

Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii"

Dear Colleagues:

WESSevents in the coming weeks include WESS Dinners, a WESSwalk in the
Blue Ridge and a WESSbook discussion of "Freedom, Modernity and Islam"
by Richard Khuri.

WESSdinner Meeting on Nov. 15, 2001.

 A WESS dinner meeting with Professor Vera Kurkova

 is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 15, 2001. Professor Kurkova

 has received international recognition for her research

 on emerging computational methodologies.

  Speaker: Prof. Vera Kurkova

                Institute of Computer Science

                Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Title: Neural networks as universal pattern recognizers.

Abstract: A neural network can be viewed as a universal computational

which can recognize a large variety of patterns merely by setting its

parameters. Principles of such neural pattern recognition without

explicit knowledge of features will be illustrated using the

paradigmatic example of NETtalk. We will give some simple

geometric ideas that show how to efficiently encode the representation

patterns. Such representations are related to joint work with two

WESS members. No detailed mathematical proofs will be given; the
presentation will largely involve pictures.

  Time: 6:00 PM Cocktails

          7:00 PM Dinner

          8:15 PM Speaker

  Place:Les Halles Brasserie

          1201 Penn Ave NW

          Washington, DC, 20004

          (202) 347-6848

<underline><color><param>0000,0000,FFFF</param>Please email your
reservation to me in a timely manner. Or, you can

leave a message on the answering machine at 703-790-1651.

Our agreement with our hosts requires us to submit to them a firm

of dinner reservations at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.


Guests are welcome.

The location of Les Halles Brasserie is about four blocks east of the

White House, close to both Metro Center and parking garages in

downtown Washington.


A WESSwalk in the Blue Ridge Mountains is scheduled for Sunday, Nov.
18, 2001. We will meet at the Vienna metro station (north side
(outbound) parking lot) at 10:00 AM. We plan to return about return
about 6:00 PM. All are welcome. Please send an email confirming your
participation so that adequate transportation is available.

A WESSdinner meeting is also planned for Thursday, Nov. 29, 2001.

The speaker will be Professor Stan Salthe of New York University at

Binghamton. Stan's work on Evolution and Hierarchy Theory has broken

new ground on the nature of complexity theory. The time and place of

the Nov. 29 dinner meeting will be the same as for the October

meeting. Stan's abstract and other information will be distributed

shortly before the Nov. 29 th meeting date.


A WESSbook discussion is scheduled for early December. WESSbook will

on Saturday afternoon, Dec.8, 2001 at 1:00 PM in Room 262 at the

Reiss Science Building on the Georgetown University campus. The book

to be discussed is:

Freedom, Modernity, and Islam

by WESSmember Richard Khuri.

Volunteers for leading discussions of sections of the book are sought.
The subject of this book is particularly topical in light of recent
events. Guests are welcome at the open discussions of WESSbook.

Do you questions about any of these events? Please call at
703-790-1651 for clarification or further information.

Cheers to All.

Jerry LR Chandler

Received on Mon Nov 12 10:13:58 2001

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