Dear Bela --and fis colleagues:
Many thanks for your organizing efforts. They are a real contribution to
keep our fis project alive. In addition to your timely proposals we have
another two initiatives around (unfortunately the Spanish Airtel Foundation
who promised funding a fis conference in Spain did not honor its word--I
will keep trying anyhow):
- an effort to finance a specific fis venue by Ted Goranson in the US
- and a virtual fis conference, to be promoted by Shu-Khun (elect. journal
"Entropy") and I.
If enough fis people find it a good idea, we could go first for the virtual
conference. We would "hang" in the net, in a special issue of the e.journal
Entropy, all our contributions,simultaneously, around january
-february--march of next year (basically depending on Shu-Khun technical
capabilities to handle the timing). And then we could have a discussion on
the papers either globally or section by section (depending on the number
of papers presented).
The title proposed is MISCONCEPTIONS OF INFORMATION. It resonates with the
closing comments in Bela's message. In a number of fields --computer
science, machine intelligence, economics and social science, brain
processing, cellular signalling, Darwinian evolution, molecular similarity,
entropy and quantum interpretations...-- we find bizarre conceptualizations
about Information that seem to we working very limitedly, only on a very
local basis, and mutually disconnected. Overall these misconceptions
(although partially positive in most cases) may be acting as efficient
Surrogates that block the advancement towards new, more interesting
unifying conceptualizations.
We could devote some time to exorcize all those local demons, in a virtual
conference and also in a real meeting (either genuine fis or in
collaboration). At least, such recollection of criticisms may be helpful to
inspirate us in future "positive" constructions...
Any comments or suggestions about the organization of this virtual
conference, or about plans for the fis future will be welcome.
best wishes
PS. After countless problems in this Uni, I have finally succeeded in the
introduction of two "info science" disciplines for graduate engineering
students here: "bioinformation" and a "science-tech-society" course
centered on information. We could put together in our web pages any FIS
teaching experiences (I remember at least a very good PhD course by Andrei
and Igor).
Pedro C. Marijuán
Fundación CIRCE
CPS Univ. Zaragoza, 50015 Zaragoza, Spain
TEL. (34) 976 762036-761863, FAX (34) 976 732078
Received on Mon Nov 5 19:30:45 2001
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