CALL for PAPERS and COMMENTS in order to participate in the Symposium I
"The creation of a sustainable society depends
Innovative Systems Thinking (IST)"
This Symposium is one of the events that has been planned as an Homage to
Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy. It has been conceived as a FORUM for
presentation of papers, lectures, speeches, posters and also an Open Space
for self-organized debates and discussions. It will take place in the
International Conference on Systems Thinking Globally Concerned
Bertalanffy Anniversary Conference BAC 2001
UNITY <==> through <==> DIVERSITY
November 1-4, 2001
University of Vienna and Vienna University of Technology
Learning to map the socio-cybernetic forces that are causing global
problems, supported by General Systems Weltanschauung (GSW)
It aims at exploring how it might be feasible to reach Sustainable Development
We know that the extent of destruction of the soils, the seas, or the
atmosphere (global warming), the iniquitous operation of the banking
system, the inadequacy of government policy requires documentation at a
systems level, putting together the disconnected scraps of information to
form an overall picture, because moving forward demands an attempt to
understand the problem so as to be able to intervene in the system. Besides
to move forward makes necessary to study the socio-cybernetic processes
which drive the system or to seek to outline the developments that are
required to introduce a more effective socio-cybernetic system. The
question is: how are we to identify and map these systemic forces and how
are we to design a more effective socio cybernetic system. (John Raven)
GSW being considered as a methodological tool needed for identifying
reliable views about the world situation that are needed for creating
feasible ways to reach Sustainable Development as a steady state or flow
equilibrium of humankind's dynamics. This steady state is today in danger
of being abruptly broken because the Homosphere, which comtinues growing,
is causing faster and faster not only the destruction of fragile areas of
the Biosphere but also the crack of essential elements of the Ecosphere
You are invited to send a 'position text ' (around 1000 words), arguments,
comments and questions, for the Conversazione on IST that may take place
before the Conference. Abstracts of papers (500 -1000 words), for being
submitted in the Conference, may also be sent for being considered to
elohimjl <>
Your contribution is welcome in a normal e-mail message.
No attachments please
For taking part in the conversazione before the conference it is necessary
to become a subscriber sending the text:
subscribe bertalanffy-list"
Everybody may visit where all the
previous and following contributions for the debate will be included
Conference Fee:
Rich countries EURO 140
Poor countries EURO 70
Students EURO 50
Received on Mon Aug 27 08:03:17 2001
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