jlrchand@pop.mail.rcn.net ---------------------------------------------------
WESSbook Volunteers needed!
The next meeting of WESSbook is on Saturday, September 13, 2001 at
Georgetown (Reise Science Bldg, Rm 267), beginning at about 1:00 to
1:30 PM and continuing until about 6:00 PM.
By popular choice, the book selected was the colorful "The Artful
Universe - The Cosmic Source of Human Creativity" by John D. Barrow,
We have partitioned the book into 6 selections:
1. Chapter 1 and 2, page 1 - 47,
2. Chapter 3, Parts 1 - 6, pages 48 - 86,
3. Chapter 3, parts 7-10, Chapter 4, parts 1-4, pages 87 - 128,
4. Chapter 4, parts 5 - 9, pages 129 - 173,
5. Chapter 4, part 10 and Chapter 5, parts 1 - 5, pages 174 - 213,
6. Chapter 5, parts 6- 9 and Chapter 6, 214 - 246.
Volunteers are sought for each set of pages. Please list your first
and second choices. Please respond by Monday, Sept. 3, 2001, to
either Andy or myself.
Everyone is invited to a WESSwalk on Sunday, Sept. 2, 2001.
We will meet at the Vienna Metro Center (outbound side of station) at
10:00 AM sharp! :-) We will return about 6:00 PM. Bring good
walking shoes, a sharp wit, colorful stories and a suitable lunch. If
you plan to participate, please inform me by Saturday, Sept. 1, so
that adequate transportation can be arranged.
Do you have questions about either WESSbook or WESSwalk? Just call
me at 703-790-1651 or leave a message on the machine.
I hope everyone enjoyed a fruitful and refreshing summer and is
prepared for the academic season. My annual trip to the European
System Science conferences in Liege and Baden-Baden was
extraordinarily productive so that I am anticipating a very
productive year.
Received on Fri Aug 31 12:48:14 2001
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