The new year 2003 started only two days ago after being celebrated
the end of 2002, which was an uncertain period seriously disturbed by
threatening retrograde steps given by authorities of highly civilized
countries. However 2003 began with good wishes expressed by millions
of people but without recognizing that planning at present a better
future makes INDISPENSABLE to comprehend better and better the past
by means of a scientific examination of the events that happened and
determined the trajectory for humankind. This scientific approach can
be considered the most urgent task for all the researchers, experts,
scholars, educators - and also students - as members of the elite
intellectual that hypothetically until today might lead humankind
from now onward to create a reasonable or humanitarian way forward.
Such a kind of approach must allow everybody to recognize what kind
of systems were constituted, what sort of feed-back and feed-forward
interactions were consciously or unconsciously implemented, whether
the information employed was truthful enough, what misinformation was
purposefully invented, whether the organization of actions was
sufficiently ethical.
In fact since several decades ago good wishes for another New Year
are expressed at the beginning of each January together with the
announcement that magnificent scientific achievements that generate
superb technological innovations keep determining the successful
trajectory of the Western Civilization, despite huge and
contradictory political disturbances. However it is not mentioned and
even less is recognized that this troubled trajectory has been
generated by a warring spirit institutionalized as the 'official'
frame of mind needed for consolidating a paradoxical success. Such a
kind of success has determined in the past the collapse of previous
civilizations. Despite worrying fear and frustrating anger it seems
convenient to have always in mind the causality of the main warfare
events of the 20th century, for searching continuously, along every
whole year, how to make functional the good wishes for the future of
The First World War (1914 - 1918). It was caused by vested interests
of empowered European decision-makers, who could not solve other way
their conflicting ambitions as every one intended to expand its
colonial domain without being restricted by the others. The war
erupted without being noticed that it was a conflict conceived and
encouraged through childish interpretations and simplistic arguments.
The Second World War (1939 - 1945). It was engendered also by
conflicting ambitions of many more empowered decision-makers but was
in addition stimulated by the economic recession that in the 1930's
affected the Western economies. This recession propitiated fascist
organizations in Europe and the Japanese Empire to assume that they
were entitled to expand their dominion taking over land, resources,
and population of neighbor countries.
This war was definitely encouraged by the expansionist colonialism
that has prevailed until today since five centuries ago. But was also
stimulated by a racist ideology conceived for eliminating massively
people who were considered undesirable competitors. For the first
time in the history of humankind technological innovations carried
out with the support of scientific research were employed as
TERRORIST weapons against innocent people. Modern war began when a
German submarine sunk without warning the steamer Lusitana loaded
with many hundred passengers, German and Spanish fascist organized
blitz attacks with bombardiers against civilian areas in cities
followed by destruction of German cities by American and British
bombardment. Its first stage culminated with two atomic bombs dropped
on Hiroshima and Nagasaki where 200,000 people were massively and
effectively killed
Only high rank soldiers and narrow-minded politicians still today
pretend to justify the inordinate violence and irrationality that
characterizes the dynamics of the Western civilization since the
Leaders of winners and losers of the 2nd World War since around 1947
realized, during the reconstruction of all what had been skillfully
destroyed, that it was too expensive and rather ineffective to
maintain civilizing intentions fighting among them for determining
what parts of the world would control everyone. Evidently they
discovered that instead of continue fighting they could agree
explicitly or de facto in making a world distribution for
implementing a modern colonialism that would allow each one to
continue its expansion, though restricted while trying to respect
their conflicting interests. Once again, after recognizing the
failure of some of their previous adventures, several decision-makers
recognized that it was necessary to change the colonizing procedures
in order to impede the change of their colonizing motivations
determined for the sake of making any kind of monetary profits. The
Third World War (1947 - 1990) arose through clever invention as a
non-declared warfare skillfully organized against all the other
peoples in order to modernize the colonialism that started in 1492.
Along only four decades the Neocolonialism that emerged through a
'modernized' ideology has been implemented by means of new kinds of
weapons constituted through economic procedures decorated with
scientific and technological aids and conditioned by financial
conditions. Most countries are no longer considered colonies after
being simply classified as developing or less developed or
underdeveloped lands inhabited by people whom their economic and
social progress is offered, if the respective governors accept to
implement R&D (research and development) policies. These policies
have been and still are political tools that most rulers usually
accept as they belong to the middle class democratically or
despotically empowered, but always bribed by means of refined and
sophisticated procedures in order to control the behavior of the
lower classes. These policies intend de facto to increase
systematically the exploitation and exportation of natural resources
comprised the labor carried out by the working class, in order to
develop continuously the highly civilized way of life. A life
conceived for a continuous entertainment, distraction and enjoyment
of the upper class of rich and poor countries, who must necessarily
control effectively the implementation of the whole R&D, whatever the
means and consequences.
The neocolonialism has made non-developed and developing countries
and the lower classes to become more and more economically subjected,
technologically dependent and politically subordinated to the
interests and motivations of decision-makers of rich countries
engaged in maintaining the civilizing trends.
It has been until today a peaceful (?) warring peculiarly complicated
in every country by the empowered elite, which intends always to be
efficient and loyal accomplices or at least servants that hope their
personal ambitions may be satisfied by the modern colonizers.
However, in many cases the victims - people of countries that had
been colonized several decades or even centuries before - have not
forgotten their past. They continuously recognize that they should
have the right to organize on their own the management of their
affairs for satisfying their concerns in the land where they live.
The meritorious trajectory of Emiliano Zapata in México, Mahatma
Ghandi in India, Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam and Nelson Mandela in South
Africa have been continuously reproduced by others who fought against
colonial and elitist intentions while learning to be aware of what
the rights of common people are. As soon as they are considered as
terrorists, it becomes necessary to use traditional weapons for
killing leaders and followers and make not only possible but feasible
the implementation of the progressive neocolonialism.
The so called Cold War between western countries and the Soviet Union
was in fact a confrontation among two colonizing forces, which helped
to hid better and better their real intentions. Meanwhile the
division of the world in areas conventionally assigned to each one
was organized rather successfully for them in order to continue
assuring their respective expansionism, but trying to reduce the use
of weapons and armies when there were disagreements among them. The
economic transactions have been gradually better and better
determined by means of decisions made according to a continuously
modernized warring spirit, which is economically, financially and
commercially implemented, though unable to recognize that everything
may collapse soon as most restricting factors are not even noticed.
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Received on Fri Jan 3 21:59:16 2003
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