Dear Pedro
I do not want to correct you when you cite McLuhan:
The Medium is the Massage - not the Message !!
But I feel it might be a good point to enter again something we discussed on
EDIFYING PHILOSOPHY and CREATIVITY (German Philosophy Kongress last week in
as an asside
We invited with Franz Nahrada (VIENNA) Corrine McLuhan to Berlin, Wrote an
Essay on the LADY behind the Gutenberg Galaxis, visited often Toronto and
the CoachHouse, McLuhans are neighbours of Anatol Rappaport, so I feel what
I learned from Eric McLuhan and others around the Toronto circle is very
Originally Mc Luhan wrote: THE MEDIUM IS THE MASSAGE
and so we are very close to EMBODYMENT and TACID METAPHORS and including the
CONTEXT: remember, we called it concepts and context mapping in `96.
We presently prepare the ICSU CODATA recommendation for WSIS
maybe you enjoy these links as they show that we can use tangible models
instead of empty "systems" metaphors. This leads back to the Origins of the
GENERAL MODEL THEORY (Stachowiak 1965) you find references when following
the links.
I really enjoy the latest contribution on "what is Information" !
about boundary crossing, emtyness and fullness
container vs topology as metaphors for space, we are presntly deep in SPACE
with the AKADEMY der K�NSTE in Berlin. maybe some of you can visit at least
the programme:
or what I mean by spacial since 1988:
and how it might help us to be more tangible, tacid and EDIFYING in the
sense or Richard Rorty.
> --- Urspr�ngliche Nachricht ---
> Von: Pedro Marijuan <>
> An:
> Betreff: Re: [Fis] Re: What is information ?
> Datum: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 18:07:28 +0200
> Dear FISers,
> The very interesting messages recently posted deserve each one a careful
> reading and discussion --utterly impossible amidst the usual turmoil. So
> will reduce myself to briefly deal with a couple of ideas in Kevin's
> are easier for my own background.
> On the distinction between form and substance in the living, an extra
> difficulty is that almost everything we may observe is in the making--and
> in the dismantling. That concrete ribosome may be targeted for
> destruction,
> or in the process of being translocated to some compartment, or in the
> middle of some other controlling interaction --apart from its
> function which involves dozens of specific molecular recognition
> encounters. I do not mention that as an impediment, but as an extra realm
> of multifarious interactions that TOGETHER contribute to notably enlarge
> the "function". Evolutionarily we may put it under the
> label, or perhaps also under some of the emergent properties of
> biomolecular networks derived from their peculiar interconnectedness...
> (it
> will be quite interesting starting that discussion next weeks!). In any
> case, it seems that the peculiar embodiment of biomolecular
> "functions" grants them a dense lot of "non formal
properties" --and
> tradeoff possibilities.
> About Witgenstein, and the language "running empty", it also
reminds me
> streaks from a few philosophers who around that time attempted different
> "organicist" schemes (Ortega y Gasset and his
> Whitehead, Merleau-Ponty, Needham, ...). Perhaps, as R. Dunbar has more
> recently dealt with, language emerges as a form of social
"grooming" in a
> primate group scheme--curiously, after laughter and music. More than 70 %
> of language of anyone is really "empty", and merely devoted to
> contacts between individual life-cycles devoid of any substance... Every
> day the world is circled by a wave of human communications --by any
> means--
> billions of them, and almost all of them saying the same. Could it be, as
> McLuhan said, that merely "the medium is the message", or
perhaps are we
> substituting "fullness" and "density" for emptiness?
As Karl would say,
> "everything" appears as "empty", as distinctions
cannot be made. Than, let
> me try this: the "void" in the plenitude regarding the
advancement of the
> life cycle is the meaning of the information which appears as the empty
> spot in the everything ---and formally, maybe one has arrived into the
> province of symmetries, or into Koichiro's boundary crossing...
> all the best
> pedro
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