[Fis] Re: What is information ?

[Fis] Re: What is information ?

From: Laszlo Ropolyi <ROPOLYI@ludens.elte.hu>
Date: Sun 18 Sep 2005 - 14:18:53 CEST

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to contribute to this interesting discussion with some
smaller philosophical remarks:

I suppose the kind of question "What is information?" requires first of
all an ontological consideration, moreover a "definition" of its "quality".

In this respect I would propose a "hermeneutic" ontology, in which we
have an at least "two levels" world consists of the sign and its context.

In this world the information is an interpreted sign.

All the elements of this definition can be choice completely free, but
the definition itself creates an interrelationship between them.
Everything can be considered as a sign or context. A physical state of a
real or ideal body, an imagined objects or its any parts, etc. can be
considered as a "sign of something else".

The crucial point is the interpretation. Interpretations partly preserve
the sign in itself, as an individual being, but partly, at the same time
consider it as the "sign of something else". Information is the product
of this "double seeing" practice.

I suppose that this definition harmonizes with many others. The meaning
(and measurement) of quantity of information depends on the
characterization of signs, context and interpretation.

Something like this. Thanks for your attention.

Laszlo Ropolyi
(new in this discourse)
Received on Sun Sep 18 14:16:52 2005

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