Re: [Fis] meaning of meaning

From: Søren Brier <>
Date: Wed 11 Feb 2004 - 17:04:49 CET

Dear Loet

I conceive FIS very much as a constructive philosophy of science project
as we are looking for foundations. As you rightly state , then declaring
that you do not believe in any super frame is also declaring a grand
story. it is like the atheist that in his belief that there is not God
actually says: the is not God , and I am his prophet! This goes to show
that we cannot escape philosophical frameworks. Which is another way of
interpreting the linguistic turn. Thus, as Luhmann says, we choose a
difference from which we observe the world. Such a difference is a
certain way of understanding the world and knowledge. Which one to chose
for what purpose is the basis of our discussion, as I understand it.

> Loet Leydesdorff wrote:
> This actually says nothing about the content of either the processed
> thoughts or the messages - so your reply does not make much sense to
> me. What is the nature of any hypothesis you might make about
> processed thought from the observation that living systems communicate
> "in terms of molecules"?
> This hypothesis is not mine, but an assumption of Maturana & Varela's
> theory of autopoiesis about living systems. The processing of thought
> is of another order. One should not confuse systems of
> reference. Systems are different in terms of what they can be expected
> to communicate operationally.
> I make no appeal to authority. I simply observe that if we followed
> your contention that we should dismiss speculation and grand theories
> - by implication adhere to empiricism alone - we should have been
> required to dismiss these authors.
> This seems a non-sequitur to me. One does not discard Aristoteles
> because of Newton's laws, isn't it? I don't deny that great scholars
> were motivated by ideas about synergies and I don't dismiss
> speculation. However, since the linguistic turn in the philosophy of
> science, one can no longer expect a unity of science. In a way, one
> can consider this as a grand theory, but with a minus sign. Anyhow,
> this discussion leads away from the theme of this list into the
> philosophy of science.
> Best wishes,
> Loet

Best wishes Søren Brier
Copenhagen Business School
Dept. of Management, Politics and Philosophy 
Blågårdsgade 23 B, 3. floor, room 326, DK-2200 Copenhagen N.
Telephone +45 38152208, mail .
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Received on Wed Feb 11 17:08:54 2004

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