Dear Loet
But we have not invented an artificial meaning processing system so far.
I know Lotfi Zadhe (inventor of fuzzy logic) is trying to make an
approximation. He calls it 'computing with words'. Still that very
complicated system is very limited in its representation of meaning. See
> Loet Leydesdorff wrote:
> Dear Shu-Kun,
> I expect that Pedro will allow me to respond despite the limit of two
> email a week. (I'll shut up!)
> > If meaning (M), information (compressed date, I), message
> > (rough date received in communication, D), and all have the
> > unit in bit, can we say M<I<D (M has the least number of
> > bits)? I want to have some numeric idea.
> These equations may hold for systems which can be considered as
> providing the information with one meaning like biological systems.
> Meaning-processing systems, however, can generate information by
> communicating about different representations of the information
> recieved. Thus, M can als be larger than I (using your notation --
> which with I disagree as you will have understood from my previous
> emails.)
> In the case of meaning processing systems (like psychological and
> social systems) the meaningful information (I) can be considered as
> the mutual information between the information (D) processing and the
> meaning processing. The mutual information (transmission) is smaller
> than or equal to the information content of either system interfaced.
> With kind regards,
> Loet
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Loet Leydesdorff
> Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR)
> Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam
> Tel.: +31-20- 525 6598; fax: +31-20- 525 3681
> ;
> The Challenge of Scientometrics ; The Self-Organization of the
> Knowledge-Based Society
-- Best wishes Søren Brier Copenhagen Business School Dept. of Management, Politics and Philosophy Blågårdsgade 23 B, 3. floor, room 326, DK-2200 Copenhagen N. Telephone +45 38152208, mail . Old home page with full text papers: Ed. of Cybernetics & Human Knowing Subscription, support this interdisciplinary cybernetic, systemic and semiotic endeavor! Vol. 10:3-4 is a unique tribute to Heinz von Foerster! _______________________________________________ fis mailing list on Wed Feb 11 16:59:51 2004
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