From: Pedro C. Marijuan <>
Date: Mon 22 Dec 1997 - 13:55:31 CET

Dear colleagues,

An efficient moderation may be crucial for the success of the coming
conferences. We will see how the experience develops, but at the beginning
it may be good that all of us agree on following the moderators lead,
particularly concerning the mixing of topics and the "temperature" of the

For instance, let us willingly accept their guidance postponing some topics
and discussions, or cooling down the exchanges or alternatively heating
them up; and also promptly responding to the request if the moderator asks
any particular individual about making a very short contribution or

Given the current interest on a global-philosophical discussion, we may
condense the social sciences conference ("The info revolution and the
problems of our time") in just one month, and leave the remaining month to
a philo-global discussion recapitulating THE NATURE OF INFO, or searching
for INFO PATTERNS OF CONVERGENCE (or under any other title), either
moderated by philosophically oriented people or unmoderated if we prefer in
that way.

Presumably during these Holidays there might be not too many messages
around. If so let us wait for KOICHIRO greetings and inauguration of the
physics discussions with the NEW YEAR...

Season Greetings--Felices Fiestas,
from Zaragoza


Pedro C. Marijuán --FAX 34 976 761 861 --TEL 34 976 761 927
Dto. Ingenieria Electronica y Comunicaciones
CPS, Universidad de Zaragoza
Zaragoza 50015, SPAIN
Received on Mon Dec 22 14:59:50 1997

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