Than you for the opportunity to comment on Tom Stoniers book. I have
asked my library to by a copy, but it will take some time (no copy could
be located to a public library in Denmark!!!).
So, the dead-line must depend on the delivery time for the book.
Kind regards, Birger Hjorland
> ----------
> Fra: Allan L Combs[]
> Sendt: 17. december 1997 15:01
> Til: Multiple recipients of list
> Emne: Information and Meaning--Stonier
> Dear discussants,
> There has been a good deal of interest in this book here. It turns out
> that I am writing a review of for "World Futures: The Journal of
> General
> Evolution" and it occurs to me that some of you might be willing to
> provide a commentary to go with this review.
> To be specific, I would like to invite those interested to provide me
> with
> a commentary, roughly one to one and one half pages in length (about
> 500-600 words), on Tom's book. This will accompany the review. It
> might be
> a broad commentary on the book, or if you like, you can write a
> commentary
> to a specific issue.
> Before sending the whole package to print, I will ask Tom (Tom, you
> listening?) to write a short response to the whole thing.
> Seasons greetings to all--Allan
Received on Mon Dec 22 12:06:30 1997
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