Gottfried "Godó" Stockinger writes:
Dear Pedro,
thanks for your incitation:
>historical succession of 'informational' inventions that have made possible
the emergence and development of complex societies: numbers, writing,
money, books, clocks, printing press, accounting practices, electricity,
radio, etc., culminating in computers of course (and including the social
practice of 'arts' almost everywhere: information is almost the only
'matter' of art). These informational inventions were motivated by social
needs, or complex social problems. As the saying more or less goes:
'necessity, the mother of all inventions'. <
Yes, thats a very accectable argument.
Based on it, we may now ask, what the necessities of our time are, so that
this culminating computer tecnologiy is needed. The need of information is
not the only cause (could be covered by other types of media), but as
computers are connective, there is a communication need covered.
As saying goes: "Lets come together, share information an interpret it...".
>But, on the other side, when we jump to information processes in the social
sphere, we find that all our inconsistencies, all our hidden weaknesses and
paradoxes surrounding information conceptualizations are somehow
incorporated and reflected there. <
Interesting this idea of the incorporation of (the difficulties) of all
info.conceptions when looking at social qualities
>So, my point is that at the time being we
cannot make any serious 'socioinformation theorization'. <
The point is, that we at least establish the diferentia specifica of the
social information process (see my contribution to the e-conference).
Information is not mechanicly transmitted but its an emergent fenomena based
on an uncertain communication process. (difference to physical or technical
information models). The diferentia specifica to the bio-information-process
is due to the quality of social communication systems, that they relate to
an environment created by tehmselfes (culture etc.), which gives them an
additional degree of freeedom.
In that sense i would like to look at:
>the VEMs hypothesis (Bob Artiguiani in fis 98), ... contemplating it as
info potential area that ..relates to enlarged
biological fitness at the scale of social groups...<
Its enlarged biofitness, but by this enlarging process it gets a new
quality: communication.
>Fis may suffering pretty much the same gap than the infamous
historical breach
between natural and social science camps... Am I too wrong?<
Communication bridges the gap, as a new quality of informatio processing. We
are trying it, dont we?
Received on Fri Nov 15 16:27:13 2002
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