[Fis] assistant professor position offered in salzburg

[Fis] assistant professor position offered in salzburg

From: Wolfgang Hofkirchner <wolfgang.hofkirchner@sbg.ac.at>
Date: Thu 16 Jun 2005 - 09:55:40 CEST

dear colleagues,

i am looking for an assistant professor. pls, feel free to disseminate this

The Center for Advanced Studies and Research in Information and
Communication Technologies & Society (ICT&S) at The University of Salzburg
is announcing a Post Doctoral, Assistant Professorship, within the Center�s
Internet & Society Research Unit.
Area of research and teaching: eTheory which relates to theories of shaping
ICTs for a sustainable global information society. Areas that are focused in
particular are:

� Information Society Theories
� Sociology of Technology, Technology Assessment
� Social Theories
� Systems Thinking
� Information Science
� Philosophy of Science and Technology
Required qualifications: completed terminal degree: Professional Doctorate,
Additional qualifications desired: Inter- and/or transdisciplinary knowledge
and experience; Project proposal writing and project management;
Social-science methods; Teaching experience.
Personal characteristics desired: Demonstrated ability and willingness to
work as a member of a (inter-/transdisciplinary) team; Ability to work under
pressure and with limited time frames; Demonstrated ability and willingness
to fulfil administrative duties.
Female applicants are encouraged to apply and have special preference in the
event candidates of equal qualifications are chosen.
Intended start date: 1 October 2005
Length of employment: 5 years
Number of hours expected to work per week: 40

For more information, please look at http://www.sbg.ac.at/aktuelles/stellen/
(GZ: A 0045/1-2005) or call: +43/662 8044/4802.
Deadline for applications: 6 July 2005

thank you,
prof dr wolfgang hofkirchner
internet and society

ict&s center for advanced studies and research in icts & society
university of salzburg
sigmund-haffner-gasse 18
a 5020 salzburg

phone ++43 662 8044 4821
fax ++43 662 6389 4800

editor of tripleC - cognition communication co-operation

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Received on Mon Jun 20 10:12:34 2005

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