[Fis] Unavoidable echo from INSC 2003

From: elohimjl <elohimjl@mail.zserv.tuwien.ac.at>
Date: Sun 16 Feb 2003 - 20:02:50 CET

I dared to participate in the International Nonlinear Sciences
Conference (INSC) 2003 that took place last February 7 - 9, 2003 in
Vienna, Austria, under the assumption that "Weltanschauungen and
perspectivism may help humans to self-organize their role on Earth".
I expressed some of my views in the Symposium 7: Foundations of

Evidently something intrinsic in the manifestation of the reality
that humans perceived "may spontaneously produce, spatial, temporal,
or functional structures by means of self-organization" whose
principles are searched (by means of synergetics) "in a variety of
disciplines, ranging from physics, chemistry, biology to medicine,
psychology and sociology" (Hermann Haken). It is indeed quite
desirable to answer better and better: How does Self-Organization

It is a huge question that humans will never answer completely.
However, it evidently arises from the possibilities created by the
energy coming from the sun that has been continuously absorbed by our
unique planet, where water, nitrogen and other elements and a gaseous
atmosphere allowed carbon to be naturally synthesized as building
blocks of life. Until today, humans in a great measure still assume
that a mysterious alchemy forged - apparently indifferent - elements
into vital systems, which could one way or another, regenerate
themselves making feasible the emergence of the whole terrestrial
life and its continuous manifestation, perhaps till our sun

Humans have also learnt that every living species may manage to
survive only for a while, because its internal restrictions when
facing certain external difficulties may impede every specimen to
adapt sufficiently its behavior to environmental circumstances that
are continuously changing under the influence of forces scarcely

One of the most impressive events of such a kind, though not any
human could witness it, is the disappearance of dinosaurs that has
been estimated, through fossil remains, happened 65 million years ago.

Other events closer to us were the emergence and disappearance of the
Pithecanthropus (Homo erectus), Zinjanthropus (Homo habilis) and
Neanderthal men (Homo sapiens) who apparently altogether contribute
to make possible the emergence and presence until today of the
Cro-Magnon wo/men (Homo sapiens sapiens).

The whole evolvement of this Homo sapiens sapiens along the last 30
millennia would be indeed a fascinating concern for every one of us,
who should be trying to comprehend better and better how replicating
molecules, become living cells, tissues, and organisms whose sexual
differentiation enhances rates of change. Similarly each human might
enjoy better his/her humane features learning consistently to develop
his/her individual consciousness as a sense of self, supported by the
explicit development of human language, thinking and reasoning in
order to be ready to obstruct immediately the manifestation of
inhuman and even antihuman feelings.

The basic education of every human should perhaps first of all be
concerned in grasping better how our immediate ancestors while
traveling from Africa into the Middle-East and Europe and later from
Asia through the Bering strait and to Indonesia and Australia could
on their own develop what became the human features. We still must
learn a lot about the sequential and interacting actions that
happened and/or were maintained SPONTANEOUSLY by human minds, causing
altogether the natural emergence of our species though knowing
scarcely the terrestrial conditions and the individual possibilities
of every human.

Some important advances in the comprehension of what might be the
self-organizing potentiality of every human were suggested by Ludwig
von Bertalanffy (1901 -1972) who conceived the presence on time and
in space of every human as an open system capable of perceiving and
interpreting his/her surroundings. Hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting
and touching some or other aspects of the surroundings complemented
with other similar perspectives communicated by other individuals
through ideas and language makes possible to every individual to
organize his/her performance being increasingly aware of what might
be one or another of the various possible wholes that conditions
his/her existence.

The Bertalanffian Thinking that aims at comprehending one or another
wholeness through Top Ë Down approach simply confirm the genial
contribution made by Samuel Hahnemann (1755 - 1843) who developed
Homeopathy as an energy medicine. According to this medicine every
human (body and mind and even soul) must consider him/herself a
UNIQUE being or entity with peculiar (very personal) physiological,
psychological and intellectual (comprised the mystical assumptions)
features, which may self-organize his/her healing by means of
synergistic possibilities provided by homeopathic remedies. These
remedies are peculiar concentrations of energy required for a
particular person when he/she becomes ill due to a physiological,
psychological or intellectual disequilibrium. He/she can be treated
and cured by the strengthening of his/her personal possibilities
provided by such a kind of remedies.

Being every human engaged in organizing his/her performance in one or
another societal system it becomes also necessary to examine how
self-organizing possibilities could emerge in these systems.

Gregariousness in human domains seems to be something intrinsic in
every mind that motivates itself to invite other minds to organize
together a certain set of activities that suddenly become a common
concern necessarily after being gradually pondered their validity by
each one. It becomes a set of attitudes that altogether arise in
every mind after being interpreted the original idea and cogitated
its content in accordance with a framework individually structured
with many other ideas, individually generated after being peculiarly
perceived the surrounding reality, complemented with numerous views
communicated by others. After all is this gregariousness what causes
every individual to encourage him/herself to recognize the need to
co-operate with others, which means to work together for the
betterment of what they may manage to identify as a common concern.

So far it might be considered very good that various humans may
voluntarily engage in organizing on their own their involvement in
working together for reaching a common goal. It means that these
humans are aware that acting and working jointly allow every one to
attain something that he or she could never accomplish individually.

So far not so good after recognizing that along the civilizing
adventure most humans have been employed compulsively for working
collectively in order to attain a goal that was not related at all
with their individual and common concerns, except the need of
determining how to survive physiologically and psychologically. These
beings, working together as human resources, have caused the
emergence of the magnificent civilization that has been inserted de
facto in the biosphere. But they have been and continue being used
day after day with the intention of making functional civilizing
processes that have become unreasonable, illogical and inappropriate
for the evolvement of the human species. This civilization is the
part of the homosphere that has been built as the domain conceived by
the elites constituted by 'well educated' and 'highly civilized'
minorities of people who have learnt and continue learning how to
exploit ad infinitum everything on Earth, comprised the labor of
common people.

Anyhow, it could be argued that after all the sanguinary course that
characterized the history of civilization during the last eight
millennia has not impeded the development of science and technology
among other human concerns that have become the magnificent
homosphere that characterizes the civilization that prevails.

However, nowadays, all along the last twentieth century until today
(2003), those minorities who have constituted themselves as
decision-makers of the evolvement of the human society are not
realizing at all how dangerous for the survival of the human species
have become certain self-organizing activities based on science and

Let me take the liberty of mentioning some of activities because in
the view of several of my congeners and mine these activities may
even caused the collapse of the whole civilizing adventure as it was
expressed already since August 6, 1986 by Gabriel Garcia Márquez: The
Cataclysm of Damocles.

The sinking of Lusitania liner, without any warning, by a German
submarine in the Atlantic in May 1915

The bombing in 1937 of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War by
German planes in support of Franco.

The German air raids (Blitzkrieg) on London in 1940

The bombing of German cities by English and USA planes in 1944 after
the German armies were already defeated

The bombing of Japanese cities

The drop of two atom bombs on Hiroshima (6 August 1945) and Nagasaki
(9 August 1945) that killed one third of the population that
inhabited these cities. In addition, as it was decided to kill as
many Japanese as possible, "1000-plane raid five days after Nagasaki
on what remained of major Japanese cities, a triumph of military
management skills designed to be «as big a finale as possible» the
official Air Force history relates;... Thousands of civilians were
killed, while amidst the bombs, leaflets fluttered down proclaiming:
«Your Government has surrendered. The war is over»..." (Year 501. The
conquest continues. Noam Chomsky 1993)

Since 1945 onwards many technological innovations have been used for
modernizing the killing of people

Poisoning by gas

Poisoning of water supply

Mining of roads

Toxic defoliants

Chemical warfare

Biological warfare

Many diverse nuclear missiles

In addition it has been practically 'institutionalized' the bombing
of innocent people hoping that this will result in a change of
leader: China 1945 - 1946, 1950 - 1953; Korea 1950 - 1953; Guatemala
1954, 1960, 1967 - 1969; Indonesia 1958; Cuba 1959 - 1961; Congo
1964; Perú 1965; Laos 1964 - 1973; Vietnam 1961 - 1973; Cambodia 1969
- 1970; Lebanon 1983 - 1984; Grenada 1983; Lybia 1986; El Salvador
1980s; Nicaragua 1980s; Panamá 1989; Bosnia 1995; Sudan 1998; Former
Yugoslavia 1999; Iraq 1991, Afghanistan 1998, 2001 - 2002

Mass media for terrorizing people's mind till decerebralizing them.

"Modern War , pursued to its logical end, means not the defeat of the
enemy but its total extermination" (using technological weapons
scientifically designed); "..not the resolution of the conflict but
the liquidation of the opposition." (Lewis Mumford, 1954)

The danger is growing day after day but also is growing the
consciousness in more human minds about the need of talking clearly
and effectively with empowered decision makers about the convenience
of creating a peaceful perspective for humankind for searching how to
increase the survival chances of our species.

Nobody, including me, can prove, ascertain or demonstrate that either
the apocalypse is nearly to happen; or can assure that one or another
God will finally rescue the good people; or can certify that nothing
can be done for avoiding the karma laws or regulations or can give
enough evidence about the manifestation of evolutionary forces that
will create inevitably a new perspective for human life whatever
might be the number and dimension of failures of human performances.

Therefore I dare simply to assume that we, the humans alive at
present, might behave more constructively among us taking care of the
rather restricted possibilities that still offer our unique planet to
our descendants. However, such assumption may be considered an urgent
CALL after recognizing that "The human race has only one or perhaps
two generations to rescue itself, according to the 2003 State of the
World report by the Washington-based Worldwatch Institute.The longer
that no remedial action is taken, the greater the degree of misery
and biological impoverishment that humankind must be prepared to
accept, the institute says in its 20th annual report." [The Guardian
Weekly 20-3-0116, page 5] January 16, 2003

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