RE: SV: [Fis] Re: What is the definition of information ?RE: SV: [Fis] Re: What is the definition of information ?
From: Julio Stern <>
Date: Wed 31 Aug 2005 - 21:48:11 CEST
I think I CAN agree with this one:
>information is 'a difference that makes a difference'.
In fact, using the notation below,
There are several choices for the ``distance'' D( , )
OBS1: I(p_n,p_0)=0 ONLY IF p_n=p_0
OBS2: One common critique to this point of view
I work with Bayesian Statistics, where the main operation is of the form
p_n(\theta) \propto p_{0}(\theta) L(\theta | X) ,
Now: It is possible that the observation X is such that
-- Julio Stern
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