SV: [Fis] Re: What is the definition of information ?

SV: [Fis] Re: What is the definition of information ?

From: Søren Brier <>
Date: Wed 31 Aug 2005 - 13:04:44 CEST

I support that. If Pedro would collect them on the FIS website it would be great. The discussion can then first center on getting the various definitions right. Then we can discuss what they encompass and where they are useful.

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: [] P� vegne af Michel Petitjean
Sendt: 30. august 2005 16:34
Emne: [Fis] Re: What is the definition of information ?

Subject: [Fis] Re: What is the definition of information ?

Listing the currently accepted definitions of information would
be nice. The list should at least include the ones used in
math/computer science: Fisher information, Shannon/Renyi information
(which is quite different from the Fisher information), etc...:
e.g. look to the Wikipedia site.
But information concepts are needed in other areas and
all definitions may be criticized since none of them is
suitable in all areas.

Michel Petitjean, Email:
1 rue Guy de la Brosse Phone: +33 (0)1 44 27 48 57
75005 Paris, France. FAX : +33 (0)1 44 27 68 14 wrote:
> I am searching for a critique on the definition of the term:
> "Information". One definition, I am using is : Information is a thing
> which has the only property of conveying meaning. Thus a newspaper is
> /not/ information since it also has the property of being made up of
> paper, it has certain dimensions, it has print ink and so on. It
> /carries/ information. Shannon's theory basis its definition of
> information on probability theory. For a thing to be more probable
> compared to another it has to be different. This differentness means
> "different". For one unit to be recognizable from another it has to have
> some differentness.
> Can I get a critque of this? Also citations and directions to
> bibliography will be welcomed.
> Syed Ali
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