> The Kindergarden Questions
> --------------------------
> [these are the questions we ask when young, no-one can answer
> us at that stage and then when we grow up we find that still,
> no-one can answer us !!!]
> * What is information ?
All things around us are informations. The first what we can say about it,
is that:
Information consists of informations and is a part of informations.
This is the base of the Recursive-Attributistic Information Concept
(I will post an article next time for additional informations about it ).
>From this point of view all classic known properties are deriveable:
· no conservation laws
· everywhere
· new creatable
· destroyable
· copyable
· changeable: space <--> time
parallel <--> seriell
Only from the recursive aspekt of this information concept practical
useable premisses are derivable, for instance the
Kaleidoskop-Principle. It consists of two possibilities, two goals
and a systematics for (re)designing user interfaces (I mean that
"practical useable" is one of the needed qualities of a theory). And
this is a holistiv point of view, because the definition of what has
to be seen as information only happens in the real problem context as
the first step (Perception) of the (re)design systematics.The a.m.
properties of information can be found fractal at all levels of
> * Is information no less than an artefact of observation ?
No. It stands before it. Information still exists.
> * What is biological information ?
That informations which biologists call informations.
> * Is it different to information physicists discuss ?
>From the view point of the R.-A. Information Concept: No.
> Information - - Matter, Energy and Measurement
Matter and energy are also informations consists of informations
And Measurement are the possibility for human to percept informations.
Regards, Gunter Dubrau.
Gunter Dubrau
(Softwareergonomie- und Design-Beratung)
--> Tel.: +49 351 83 620 83
--> e-mail: gunter.dubrau@inf.tu-dresden.de
--> internet: http://www.inf.tu-dresden.de/~gd1
Received on Fri Feb 13 12:59:59 1998
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