Thanks for the message, Christophe. The address you mention looks quite
adequate. It is highly recommendable. The only pity is that one has to read
step by step--at least I have been unable to unload the whole text. Maybe
after the present conference we can briefly retake the cellular discussion
on this 'meaning' topic and related themes (mol. recognition, abduction,
communication, etc.)
At 16.06 16/11/02 +0100, you wrote:
>Follwing your Oct 9th post:
>"...could you envision a realistic MGS model (in molecular terms), for
>instance, of the prokaryotic cellular signaling system (the well-known
>'two component system') applied to cellular locomotion? This system is
>now a fashion in alife and autonoumous robotics. There is plenty of
>data and you could more or less easily submit to the 'molecular test'
>your MGS computational approach... If you consider interesting the
>suggestion, I would be happy to collaborate".
>I went thru a first initiation to this biological subject, and come
>back to your interesting suggestion.
>There are indeed a lot of articles about the two components systems
>applied to cellular signaling. More or less accessible to a neophite.
>A quite easy one I focused on is:
> >From this article, it looks like there can be some room for comparing
>the two protein system (Sensor Protein, Response Regulator Protein) to
>the Meaning Generator System.
>But before getting into technical items, I would appreciate you provide
>your position as this being a good path to follow regarding your
Received on Wed Nov 20 13:35:28 2002
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