info & Phys: method?

From: Pedro C. Marijuan <>
Date: Thu 08 Jan 1998 - 13:47:08 CET

Dear colleagues,

best wishes for the New Year!

The Programme that Koichiro has sketched for the info & phys discussion
looks quite enticing, both in its contents and its well-crafted conceptual
order. I would like to add just a couple of methodological considerations.

Point 1 (population of One) looks rather independent, and very important
for the bio discussion. May I suggest, in order to save discussion time,
that we can leave some, or most, of its substance for Ray�s time?

Concerning the discussion of the other points, I would bet that we fis
folks would love hearing during the next days some brief "presentations" or
"reactions" from our well-reputed physicist colleagues (may i cite a few
names?). It would greatly help in order to advance the debates in the most
productive directions.

For instance,

-- 2) Thermo: Werner?, Antonino?

-- 3) Quantum: Otto?, Michael?

-- 4) Cons. Laws: Koichiro?, Klaus?

-- 5) Info & Phys: this looks a synthesizing point, quite adequate for
closing the phys discussions with the broadest characterizations of the
topic, particularly from the "generalist" points of view. (perhaps we could
also add, within these 5th point initial characterizations, some reference
to the up/down vertical dynamics of info phenomena; the amazing cross-level
"jumping" so central of any info dynamics versus the comparatively "flat"
phys dynamics)

Anyhow, thanks to Koichiro for putting toghether these challenging points.

from Zaragoza,
just trying to recover oneself from the unending Spanish Navidades...


Pedro C. Mariju�n --FAX 34 976 761 861 --TEL 34 976 761 927
Dto. Ingenieria Electronica y Comunicaciones
CPS, Universidad de Zaragoza
Zaragoza 50015, SPAIN
Received on Thu Jan 8 14:06:25 1998

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