a visiting anthropologist once remarked about the
"rites and rituals" of a certain tribe among the
"natives of north-western white races" (Popper 1962).
He reported that this particular interesting tribe holds those solemn
ceremonies where several hundred of them assemble in a dark, stuffy
room, and they take turns, one of them acts as a ceremony leader
performing strange magical incantations in front of an illuminated box
on which they put transparent sheets,
and project images onto a white screen,
and sometimes holding a 'magic wand',
in their hand, making more magic signs on those screens...
He reported that this tribe calls itself 'scientists'...
Popper, K.: Die Logik der Sozialwissenschaften, Kšlner Zeitschrift fźr
Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 14 (1962)
-- Andreas Goppold URL: http://www.uni-ulm.de/uni/intgruppen/memosys/ c/o FAW Ulm, Postf. 2060, D-89010 Ulm , Germany Tel. ++49 +731 501-8757/ -915 , Fax: +731 501-929Received on Mon Nov 09 11:22:21 1998
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