Re: [Fis] Re: FIS CALENDAR / topics

From: Pedro C. Mariju�n <>
Date: Fri 11 Jun 2004 - 13:25:23 CEST

Thanks a lot Michel. Given that the problem you address is general in most
disciplines (bioinformatics and neuroinformatics, for instance, are also
having big deals with their current deluge of data bases), a common
discussion mixing a few of these data-base perspectives could be something
very valuable: perhaps around "the management of scientific information"?

Let us think a little more as this vein can have a lot of
theoretical/applied potential: actually we are diving into the very
'informational' and networking structure of the scientific enterprise!
During these coming vacations we can fine-tune the idea and select the chairs.


At 16.45 10/6/04 +0200, you wrote:
>To: "" <>
>Subject: [Fis] Re: FIS CALENDAR / topics
>Dear Pedro,
>Thanks for all the work you are doing.
> > Any help and suggestions about further themes and chairs, either publicly
> > in the list or privately to my address, will be very welcome.
>Information sciences are vast. May I propose the following topics:
>(if some of the topics are retained, I shall communicate the full
>professional addresses of the potential chairs in a private email)
>- Representation and retrieval of chemo-information in
>very large structural databases (potential chair: Roger Attias,
>creator of the famous DARC system).
>- Chemo-information in chemical reaction data bases
>(potential co-chairs: Claude Laurenco and Philippe Jauffret,
>both eccellent sepcialists in chemical data bases: structures,
>- Mining information in patent databases
>(potential chair: Dominique Renaud, specialist of patent databases
>and Markush formulas).
>Best regards,
>Michel Petitjean Email:
>Editor-in-Chief of Entropy
>1 rue Guy de la Brosse Phone: +33 (0)1 44 27 48 57
>75005 Paris, France. FAX : +33 (0)1 44 27 68 14
>fis mailing list

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Received on Fri Jun 11 12:54:42 2004

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