[Fis] Infoethics - closing the session

[Fis] Infoethics - closing the session

From: M. Nagenborg <philosophie@michaelnagenborg.de>
Date: Sun 14 May 2006 - 21:11:21 CEST

Dear all,

enclosed I send you a short closing remark from Rafael Capurro, who has
left Karlsruhe yesterday and is probably offline today.

I just want to add, that I found it very interesting, that even if the
discussion did not take the course we suggested, it did bring us to some
core question of info ethics like privacy.

With best regards,
Michael Nagenborg

- Email from Rafael --

Dear all,

thanks for all contributions to this exciting discussion on information
ethics. I particularly appreciate the different *languages* spoken in
this list. The efforts of translation and transformation from one
perspective to the other and back, the fruitful misunderstandings and
dead ends or *cul-de-sac* which is a nice concept too and reminds me
Polanski's movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0060268/ In some way we
are dwellers of a castle on this (still) beautiful island we call the
earth. We have, I think, in the meantime a lot of information about this
planet as well as about its dwellers and we have also (still) enough
means for making possible a better life. But where is the good will?

kind regards


Dr. phil. Michael Nagenborg
R�ppurrer Str. 116
D-76137 Karlsruhe
Tel. +49(0)721 3545955
Fax +49(0)721 3545956
fis mailing list
Received on Sun May 14 21:13:46 2006

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