Re: [Fis] Closing CORRECTLY the Molecular Bionetworks Session

Re: [Fis] Closing CORRECTLY the Molecular Bionetworks Session

From: <>
Date: Tue 21 Feb 2006 - 19:59:05 CET

Please let me take issue with Jerry's following assertions:

a) Certainly, life itself is an electrical network
This statement is false.
Correctly, it would read:
"Life itself is a continuous mapping between representations as an electrical network and as a physiological melee."

b) the language of mathematics and physics seem very remote from life itself
This statement is false.
Correctly, it would read:
"The language of mathematics and physics is depicting life itself quite correctly."

c) The language of bionetworks, the language of individuals and species, is remote from the typical language of philosophy and logic.
This statement is false.
Correctly, it would read:
"The language of philosophy and logic is not at all remote from the language of bionetworks, of individuals and of species"

d) we lack a consistent means of quantitatively expressing the information content of molecular bionetworks.
This statement is false.
Correctly, it would read:
"We do possess a consistent means of quantitavely expressing the information content of molecular bionetworks.

Otherwise, a fine closing piece.

fis mailing list
Received on Tue Feb 21 19:54:30 2006

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