SV: Fw: [Fis] art and meaning

SV: Fw: [Fis] art and meaning

From: Stanley N. Salthe <>
Date: Wed 22 Feb 2006 - 00:02:42 CET

Since we ae summing up on information and meaning, I will submit:

I have a three part sense of information:

(1) It results from a reduction in uncertainty (Shannon, etc.), from choice
or decision, or even from a decisive event in Nature that could have been

(2) It functions as a constraint on activity (anywhere in Nature. This from
Pattee's distinction between dynamics and constraint, where, to simplify,
the form of an equation describes dynamics, while the values of constants
in the equation impose constraints. A boulder in a stream deflecting water
would be such a constraint)

(3) It is a difference that makes a difference to some system of
interpretance (Bateson, semiotics -- this makes some reference to meaning)

(3) is just a more highly specified statement of (2), implying biosemiotics.

So, some (1)'s may become (2)'s, and some (2)'s may be (3)'s, or { 1 { 2 {
3 }}}.


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