[Fis] Symmetry as such

From: Karl Javorszky <javorszky@eunet.at>
Date: Tue 22 Jul 2003 - 19:07:50 CEST

Dear FISers,

let me propose a neutral and public definition of symmetry.

"Symmetry is the property of subsets of N that are generated by following
function m(n)
                local integer tmp, first, len, zero, m
                tmp = int(sqrt(n/2))
                first = 2*tmp**2
                len = 4*tmp + 2
                zero = if(n-first < len/2, first + tmp, first + len/2 + tmp)
                m = n - zero

This definition allows all that Shu-Kun has wished for:
"I have been interested in a theory which can be used to both macroscopic
and microscopic levels and intermediate levels which is different
from equilibrium or nonequilibrium thermodynamics."

The two halves of the symmetric grand cyclus make an axis-symmetry, the two
halves of the small cyclus make a center-symmetry. The left and the right
halves (both small and grand cycles) are both symmetric (on M) and
assymmetric (on N).

The M axis may be used very profitably to discuss concepts related to

Best regards:

fis mailing list
Received on Tue Jul 22 19:11:45 2003

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